~Chapter 8~

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*Your P.O.V.*

As I dry the last dish I can hear footsteps running down the steps. I turn around smiling as I watch Tracer jump the second to last step with a huge grin on her face. "Be careful," I say laughing a bit, "you are still reco-" She then cut me off with a hug. "Thank you so much for your hospitality love but I have to go now."

My body froze. "Wait what? You are leaving? So soon? You barely had time to recover! Is this about that phone call?" I ask so many questions freaking out. She can't actually be leaving. She then puts a finger on my lips to stop me from asking any more questions. She tried to give a comforting smile. "Overwatch is my life love. And when they call I come running."

I gently push her hand away. I don't say nothing for a moment. "(Y/-)" I cut Tracer off. "Then I am coming with you," I announce. Her eyes widened, "oh no way!" She gives me a stern look. "Oh come on you need me," I whine. She was about to protest but I continued, "plus you don't know what I did to that thing on your chest so at the moment I am the only one who sort of knows how to keep it sparking." She crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. "Anyone can be a hero," I say as I mimic her pose I have seen her do on one of her posters. She laughs a bit, "oh alright love." A huge grin grows across my face, "I will go pack my thing."

*Tracer's P.O.V.*

I watch as (Y/N) ran upstairs. When (she/he) is out of sight and I can hear (her/his) footsteps running frantically across the above flooring I sigh heavily as I lean against a wall. "Why did I agree to this," I mumble, "this is so stupid."

I start pacing back and forth around the house. "Maybe it won't be that bad," I say with a sigh as I then bump into a table and papers fall. I quickly catch them and look at them. They were a mixture of late rent payment warnings and a bunch of newspapers all turned to the help wanted ads but many were crossed out with red sharpie.

My heart began to sink as I realize what (Y/N) was going through. I set the papers back down and continue to pace. "I want to help (her/him)," I said as I clentch my fist. Then an idea came to my head. "I will make this trip a test and if (she/he) pass maybe I can-" a grin grew on my face. This seemed perfect.

As I continued pacing as I thought up the plan I suddenly heard (Y/N) call out, "um, Tracer?" I look over at (her/him) "yes love?" (She/He) pointed behind me. I turned around and saw the blue streaks fading and blushed out of embarrassment. I wasn't pacing at all but blinking into different areas. I rub the back of my neck still embarrassed, "ready to go?" (Y/N) nodded in response as we headed out the door.

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