~Chapter 14~

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*Mercy's P.O.V.*

I kept reviewing my notes and charts in the medical wing. This made no sense. I knew that I needed to check (Y/N) again. Maybe I did something wrong. Have I ever messed up before with any of my other patients? I shake my head in frustration. It is almost impossible. I am the best in the medical field but then again I am human and mistakes are possible.

I walk out the medical wing and down the hall looking for (Y/N). It was strangely quiet. All that could be heard was the click of my heels after each step. This silence is extremely unnerving. My pace quicken as I finally approach the room I last saw (Y/N) in.

As the door opened my eyes widened. "Genji!" I yelled in a worried voice. Before my eyes was Genji pinning down (Y/N) with his blade. (Y/N) seemed surprisingly calm for someone with a blade press against (his/her) throat and was (she/he) smiling at him.

I quickly ran over pushing Genji away standing in front of (Y/N) as I held my staff for defense. I couldn't use my pistol because shooting my allie ... I just couldn't. Even though I knew that my staff was of no use. It is mostly good for healing and strengthening others. But if Genji does try getting close I can try knocking him out with it.

*(Y/N) P.O.V.*

My eyes widened as I say Mercy rush between use defensively. Genji was still frozen in shock. He did not move but his breathing was steady. I calmly stood up. "What is going on here?" Mercy said in a stern voice. I gently push down the staff. "That is not needed," I say as I start to walk over to Genji. Mercy's eyes widened as she grab my wrist. "We need to go to the medical wing," she said as calmly as possible as she drag me away.

As I sat on the medical bed all I could think of is Genji. It didn't even come to mind that I was called back for a revaluation which meant something was possibly wrong. But something was on Genji's mind. I wanted to help no matter what, Overwatch agent or not.

Mercy continued with the checkup as I was deep in my thoughts. She currently had a stethoscope press against my chest as she listen to my heart beat as I breath at a steady pace for her. She kept writing little notes down on her clipboard.

"Do you have any background medical information I should know about," she asked. I look down thinking about the dream I had when I just arrived here. "I don't know about my past," I said calmly. Even though I wasn't  looking at her I could feel Mercy looking at me with pity. There was a moment of awkward silence but then I asked, "why did you pull me away from Genji?" I looked up at her to see her biting her lip. "I haven't seen him in a while," she responded, "but before he was cold and full of a thirst for vengeance. Now that he is back ... I am just suprise he came back and want to know what he has been up to all this time." I could see her holding the clipboard closer to her chest almost in a defensive way. "I think he has changed," I said as I look towards the door. "I am going to go over these results and you stay here," Mercy said as she left the room. It was obviously to avoid anymore discussion on the subject. I sighed as I called out, "You can come out now."

*Genji's P.O.V.*

I watch Mercy walk past as I stood in the shadow. When I heard (Y/N) telling me to come out I walked into the medical wing, "How did you-" (She/he) cut me off with a small smile, "Just had a feeling." I sat on the bed next to (Y/N). "Everything okay?" I ask considering (she/he) was called into the medical wing. "I should be asking you that," (she/he) said with a slight giggle. "Why do you say that?" I asked defensively. "Because you seem to have a lot on your mind," (she/he) said pointing to my forehead. I gently push (her/his) hand away, "sorry about the whole  blade to your throat situation. I thought you were an intruder." (She/he) shook (her/his) head, "It's fine but that is not the thing that is bothering you." I sighed as I looked down. I felt (Y/N) place (his/her) hand on my shoulder. I looked up at (him/her). "You can talk to me," (she/he) said. "I need to see someone," I said a bit bluntly. "Then go see them," (he/she) said. "Will you come with me?" I asked, "I don't think I can do this alone." (Y/N) had a smile on (his/her) face. "Of course," (she/he) said (she/he) took my hand.

*Tracer's P.O.V.*

I was walking down the hall with a tray that had two sandwiches and two cups of juice. Winston had just finished fixing my chornal accelerator and I would love to have lunch with (Y/N) to tell (her/him) the good news. I bump into Mercy as I was walking. "Hey love, where's (Y/N)?" I asked with a smile. Mercy looked up from her clipboard as she responded, "I just left (her/him) in the medical wing." I raised an eyebrow, "Is everything alright love?" Mercy looked at me a bit nervously, "just have to finish some work." She quickly ran off leaving the echoing sound of her heels.

Mercy knew what she was doing so I just needed to stay calm. I open the door to the medical wing, "Hey love, I got some good news for you and I brought lun-" My jaw dropped as the tray fell out my hands making a mess of what was our lunch on the floor.


Hey! I can't believe it. Over 2k reads and 60 votes! I love you guys so much and didn't think I would get this many. Thank you so much. As a reward here is what I think is my longest chapter I have written. I even added a picture x3 I hope you guys enjoy. Thank you so much for the love and feel free to comment some ideas ^-^ Thank again 💕

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