~Chapter 12~

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*Tracer's P.O.V.*

I was sitting on a spinning chair as Winston kept talking to me. To be honest I wasn't paying much attention. My mind kept racing with the excitment that Overwatch may be put back together and it kept worrying about how (Y/N) was doing. But (Y/N) was in the hands of the best medic in Overwatch and possibly the world.

I continued to spin around in circles before Winston said, "Tracer!? Are you even listening?" in an annoyed tone. I stop spinning putting my feet up on the desk. "Of course love," I said smiling.

"Then repeat what I just told you," he said as he adjusted his glasses. "Um-" I looked away knowing I have been caught. "I thought so," he responded as he rolled his eyes slightly and pushed my feet off the desk.

"I do know one thing," I said in an attempt to defend myself, "Widowmaker is back at it again causing trouble. Does that mean Talon is causing more trouble?" Winston nodded sadly, "I believe so because Reaper has attacked me as well."

I looked over at the hole in the glass window and back at Winston who's attention was at his computer which displayed a piture of a globe and the location of every current Overwatch agent. "Anyone else coming?" I asked. Winston chuckled, "some old and new friends." I smiled and then Winston added, "speaking of new friends who is that (boy/girl) you brought with you?"

I was about to answer as (Y/N) then walks into the room with Mercy at (his/her) side helping (her/him). Mercy had her staff at ready. I can remember all the times Mercy has used that staff on the team. We always seem to be getting hurt and most of the time close to death.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*

"Um hey," I said nervously as Mercy guided me to a room. In there was Tracer and she was talking to a ... gorilla? The gorilla approached me and extended it's arm. "Hello I am Winston. One of the main scientists here in Overwatch," the gorilla said as it adjusted it's glasses. In my head I was freaking out saying, "you are a talking gorilla!?" but in reality I shook his hand and said, "I am (Y/N)." His hand was huge compared to mine and he had a pretty firm grip. "Nice to meet you (Y/N)," he said with a smile.

Tracer then blinked next to me and pat my back. I cringed a bit in pain and Mercy glared at Tracer. "Sorry love," Tracer said holding her hands up in defense, "I just wanted to say that I think we should train (Y/N)." Mercy and Winston both raised an eyebrow and in unison said, "train?" Tracer avoided their gaze and continued, "well you see-" but was then cut off by Baston approaching with his bird making beeping and chirping sounds together.

We all turned towards the doorway to see the bird enter the room first and fly on top of my head again. It was then followed by Baston who went next to me and then pet the bird. "Baston will aggree with me," Tracer said as she look towards it with a glimmer of hope in her eyes only to get a confused beep in response from the omnic.

Tracer sighed as she began to blink around the room stating the things I have done for her that are qualities that can make me a good Overwatch agent but when she got to the part about me using duct tape on her chronal accelerator in attempt to fix it Winston's eyes widened. "(She/he) what!?" he pratically yelled.

Tracer looked nervous as she repeated herself in a quiet voice. "Lena come with me," he said as he walked away and grabbed a toolbox. Tracer rub the back of her neck nervously as she waved bye to me. "Take around and look and maybe meet the others," she said with a grin before blinking away.

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