Dream a Little Dream (Inception: Arthur/Dom) For Me (Chapter Four)

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Two more joined our ranks: A chemist, and a copy cat dreamer. The chemist was a girl. Perhaps twenty seven, with light hair and dark brown eyes. She was quiet, her name Anna. She didn’t strike me as particularly chatty, but I’d seen her lurking about with Yusef and Eames, talking away. The other, the copy cat, was a boy named Chandler. He was a little younger than myself, maybe twenty five. As seemed to be the norm around here, he too was extremely handsome, with bright blue eyes and golden blonde hair that waved in perfect messiness. He, unlike Anna, talked a lot. From the minute he arrived, he was open and friendly, sharing his back story, his current life, and at points, his adventures and mishaps in the dream world. These stories did nothing for Dom’s nerves, nor Arthur’s.

I spent a lot of my time with Arthur and Ariadne, learning about architecture in the dream world. They taught me ways to cut corners and to create illusions. The rest of my time was spent with Anna, Chandler, Cassie, and Dom. He attempted to teach us how to defend ourselves against the defensive projections. Chandler was good with the gun, Anna was alright. Cassie hated it, and I had no sense of aim. It frustrated and worried Dom – if we couldn’t shoot a gun at something and hit our target while standing still, how would we do when we were in a pressure situation?

After one such lesson, I left the team to go eat. Cassie came with me – we had become very fast friends despite the age difference. She didn’t act like a seventeen year old, I’ll tell you that.

“I feel bad,” she commented. “I just hate shooting that gun. I don’t know if I can shoot it at people!”

“I’ll cover for you,” I told her. I held up my hands like they were guns and made shooting noises, earning looks from the civilians passing by us. “Oh, I don’t think they liked that.”

Cassie rolled her eyes at me. “They’re fine. Besides, I don’t think you can even cover yourself. I think Dom is getting frustrated with you.”

“I think he’s passed frustration and is on to hopelessness.” I laughed. Cassie laughed as well. We entered the small café only to find it packed full of people. “Ugh. We have to wait.”

“Hey! Hey! Cassie! Alex!”

Above everyone else we could see Chandler waving at us. He was grinning widely, and waving very exuberantly, getting looks from the people around him. We hurried up to meet him. I tugged his arms down. “Stop that, you’re embarrassing yourself!”

“Was not! Do you think I was, Cass?”

She shook her head. I scowled at her. “Give a girl some back up. Did you leave Anna with Dom and Arthur? Oh, and Eames. But he’s not really a responsible adult figure…”

“I am very responsible,” Eames protested, appearing out of nowhere. “And yes, Anna is with Mr. Grumpy Pants and No Imagination Man. I tell you, if he doesn’t start thinking outside the box…”

“He has imagination,” I tried to defend him. It was true that Arthur was very logical, but he came up with the most amazing designs, and he wasn’t even an architect. “By the way, what are you doing here, Eames?”

“Dom needs you,” he said promptly. “Something about you being terrible with a gun.”

“No more practice!” I groaned. Chandler patted my back sympathetically, and I swatted at him. “Oh, shut up. You’re not the one who can’t shoot a freaking gun.”

Chandler raised his hands. “Yeah, you’re kind of a hopeless case. You and Cass. I don’t know what we’re going to do with you guys.”

“I’m not that bad,” Cassie protested, but it was a weak argument. “Okay. Okay. You better go. I’ll bring you some food, okay?”

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