Dream a Little Dream (Inception: Arthur/Dom) For Me (Chapter Twenty-Three)

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            “Hello, Chandler, I’ve brought you some lovely flowers,” I said cheerfully, putting the vase of large flowers next to Chandler’s bed side. I sat in the chair placed by his bed and brushed the blonde hair back off his forehead. He looked utterly peaceful, sleeping there. I sighed and leaned forward, resting against his bed. I hoped that he could hear me. “We’re coming back for you, you know. I hope you haven’t thought that we’ve forgotten you. I think about it every day. Everyone blames themselves, but it’s no ones fault. But…we do wonder what happened to you. You’ll have a lot of explaining to do when we find you. But everyone is doing well. I’ve come back after a long vacation. I’m engaged to Richard, did you hear? I’m sure Cassie has told you.”

            I sat back in my chair, studying his ever un-changing face. “She misses you. We all do. I bet Dom even misses you, though he’ll never admit it, the stubborn man. He’s pretty angry with me. So is Arthur, though he won’t come right out and say it. The only person I haven’t upset is Eames! And he doesn’t count, because nothing bothers him.”

            “Hey, now,” Eames joked, entering the room. I started – I hadn’t expected to see him today. He sat beside me, pulling over another chair. “I do this a lot, too. Come and talk to him.”

            “You, the sentimental type?” I teased. He shrugged, smiling in his good natured way.

            “Make fun all you like, but Chandler was, no, is, like my brother. I can’t help it. I’m convinced that he can hear us talking to him. And every day I worry that we’re going back for nothing, and he’ll be lost for good…”

            “He isn’t,” I comforted him, grabbing his hand. I squeezed his fingers. I knew exactly how he felt. There was always the chance that Chandler wouldn’t be there, or if he was, we could not find him, and if we did find him, he might not want to come with us. Would he even remember us? He’d be an old soul in a young body once more. Dom knew how it felt – he would be able to help him. I’d always meant to ask Dom about how that felt, but I hadn’t gotten around to it. I regretted it now. I wanted to know as much as I could, but I was too far gone for that. “I wish no one of this had happened. Do the others come and visit?”

            “You know they do. Even Dom, who tries to act so emotionless. He’s brought his kids around with him, as well. You’d like them.”

            “I’m sure I would,” I said softly, feeling a yearning to meet the children. I tried not to think about it. “Oh, I wish Chandler was here.”

            I could practically hear Chandler’s voice in my head, laughing at my predicament, making a joke out of everything.

            “Oh, Alexia, you’ve really done it this time. You’re the only person I know who can juggle three men! Three! But hey, it’s your own fault for being so sexy, OW! Cassie! Sorry, I meant hot. Ow! Okay! Pretty, then! But you know, if you’re not happy, you’d better do something about it. Like make up your mind. You can’t be with someone you don’t love, and I know for a fact that you love Dom and Arthur. Whether or not you love Richard, I don’t know, but if you don’t, at least it’ll narrow your choices down!”

            “Me, too. He’d take some of the work load off of you and i,” he laughed. “They’re certainly putting you to work! Actually, when I left to come here, Dom was freaking out because you weren’t there. Are you late?”

            I checked my watch and leaped to my feet, grabbing my bag and coat. “Dom is going to murder me! Good bye Eames, good bye Chandler! Hopefully I won’t be dead the next time you see me!”

Dream a Little Dream (Inception: Arthur/Dom) For MeWhere stories live. Discover now