Don't Think About It

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I closed my eyes and got lost in Rain’s voice.

I found myself hoping that she didn’t like Ash…I didn’t really have to worry about her and CC, because he loves her like a little sister. Yeah, he gets her small gifts like Skelanimals stuffed animals, an old instant camera, things like that, but he doesn’t sleep in his bunk with her or flirt with her twenty-four seven. I began to wonder if she and Ash had kissed.

I didn’t want to think about it.

Had they had sex?

I put my head in my hands and rubbed my eyes. Don’t think about that, Andy.

It wasn’t really any of my business, was it?

But I really like her…You know what? I need to shut the fuck up and stop whining. I have Juliet. That’s all I need. I love Juliet.

But to me…my thoughts sounded more like I was trying to reassure and convince myself it was true, when in reality…it wasn’t so…

I looked at my watch. 1:57. Time to get the up and pretend that you only feel a friendship love towards her because you’re a douche bag who can’t decide if he loves his girlfriend and is falling for a girl who is sixteen. Totally not legal.

But you’d never know she was only sixteen if you were talking with her.

She’s extremely intelligent and has an opinion on everything, usually an opinion that you can’t really argue with if she doesn’t want you to; she looks more like nineteen, as well…

I walked over to my bed and put on my shoes just as Rain came through the door.

“Ready to go, Andy?”

“Yep.” I noticed she looked kind of pale (paler than usual anyway) and her eyes had a hollow look in them, like she was far away.

Something was wrong.

“Where are we going?” She asked. Her voice cracked slightly and her eyes held a reddish tinge to them. Had she been crying?

“I was thinking…” I stopped for a moment. I wanted to make her feel better so badly. I didn’t know what was wrong, but I wanted to know; I wanted to make it go away. I just…couldn’t right then. “I was thinking we could go shopping for some more ink or whatever for the camera CC got you, then we could go to the park and take pictures.”

Her eyes got a bit of life back in them and her fake smile turned real. “Cool! I’ll go get my wallet!”

“No. I’m buying today. I have so much money right now, I don’t know what to do with it all sometimes.”

“Andy, you don’t have to…” I watched her smile turn into a small frown.

“I want to.”

“You are such a gentleman.”

I’m glad she thought so…

“I’ll go get my camera really quick…” She added and ran into her room.

She came back a few minutes later with her camera around her neck and her BVB shoulder bag and I picked up my wallet and phone and we headed out to catch a taxi.

I found a neat little store where we could buy what she needed for her camera, and the driver then proceeded to take us to a small beautiful park where there wasn’t anybody else there.


Read on! :D ------>

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