The Right Time

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Andy POV

“I never meant to be the one,

Who kept you from the dark.

But now I know my wounds are sewn,

Because of who you are.

I will take this burden on,

And become the holy one,

But remember I am human,

And I’m bound to sing this song.” I sang softly to her. I want her to know that I’m there for her when she needs me. I really do.

I watched her close her eyes and fall asleep to me singing. I don’t know how much time passed, but I woke up curled up next to her the next morning.

I really need to stop doing that or word will get back to Juliet.

I did call her last night. We had a very interesting conversation.

She said she didn’t know her fans were doing that, even though I could go to her Twitter account and see her encouraging the fans that did it, she told me she hadn’t been texting CC, when I knew she had; I had seen a text from her on his phone just minutes before she said that. She got offended when I asked her if she still loved me and started stuttering and tripping over words, then found a way to turn it around on me and say I had been cheating on her with Rain. I told her that her accusation was off and that we should definitely talk when I get back.

She just said, “We’ll have to do it two days after. I’ll be on tour with ALL until then. Sorry, babe.” And hung up.

It made me so frustrated.

I just stayed next to Rain this time. I didn’t want to get up, and if any of the guys asked, it’s just like her and Ash. Nothing more than friends.

Last night when she was playing with my hair, her hand brushed my cheek and I could have sworn everything stopped just for a moment. I think I’ve fallen in love with Rain. Whenever I talk to Juliet, it just pisses me off because of so many reasons…

But Rain…she makes me laugh, and smile…she makes me want to…I don’t know…I just can’t put it into words.

She’ll never feel the same, though. She probably likes Ash, or CC, or CJ, her ex boyfriend. Or maybe she’ll meet someone on tour and fall in love and have a happily fucking ever after while she tears my heart to pieces.

For now, I’ll keep my silence. I know she doesn’t feel the same way, and I would just make an ass of myself.

~3 Weeks Later~         

I looked at the clock on the wall of the hotel room I was in. Our rooms were in the same order as the last hotel, but everything was…like…deluxe…

The clock read 12:59. I stood up and walked towards the door that connected our two rooms, sliding down the wall and waiting. I finally heard what I was waiting for. Rain’s voice floating through the door with the melody of oh so familiar songs. Sometimes it was Blood On The Dance Floor, sometimes it was My Chemical Romance, but today, it was neither. Instead I heard just her voice. No instruments, just her voice.

I’d never heard these lyrics before, so I assumed they were of her own creation.

It was very pretty.

I did this everyday at one when we stay at a hotel and every night at three in the morning when we were on the tour bus.

She was crazy good at singing, and I wanted to get her on stage at some point. We’d discussed her dreams and plans for LA quite often. I knew exactly what it was she wanted from it all, and I intended to make it happen.

I was just waiting for the right time to do so, though.


I think in the next chapter, we skip to the last show of the tour and then we go into the LA adventures. (:

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