Chapter 20:

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“Hello Le! I’m glad you came!” Mrs. Shepard hugged me.

“Hi Mrs. Shepard!” I gushed.

“Well let’s get started, because we got a bunch to do! Okay?” She smiled her big white smile.

“Of Course!” I put my gym bag on the floor and began.

The room looked real cool; a huge mirror in the front of the room, and in the back a big speaker. We worked on my song, Somewhere in my Memory, even though it’s a Christmas song. The theme this year is Christmas, so I get to wear a short-white-long sleeve dress, with my skin colored ballet shoes, and a flower crown over my head with my hair curled. So I can look like an angel.

After four hours of hard working Mrs. Shepard and I decided to take a break.

“So…how’s life been on you sweetie?” She asked while we were seated on the wooden floor drinking water, hearing music, but on the low; the song that was on at the time was No New Friends by Drake.

“Great…” I sighed.

“What’s really wrong?” she smiled. “And don’t try to ignore this question.”

“I’m just a little confused…” I smiled slightly.

“What you mean?” I got up from where I was sitting and stood up straight looking, looking straight at my reflection in the mirror.

“I mean…” I turned to face her. “Have you ever had that time were you don’t know if you did the right decision?”

“Sometimes…but what’s your wrong decision?”

“Well, so I was dating this guy; and he proved me a couple of times that he didn’t deserve my trust. It’s been a couple of months, and I have another boyfriend…” I paused. “And I don’t feel that same feeling as I felt or still feel for the other guy.” I finished off.

 She got up from where she was sitting.

“I guess, than you have to tell the other guy how you feel; and tell the one you’re dating right now how you feel too.” She smiled.

“You think so?” I asked.

“You know so!” She squeezed my cheek. “Let’s get to work kido because you have to compete with those kids and they’re super talented.”

“Okay…” We got working on my singing and the dancing I had to do; I also had the last song were it had to be any kind of song. So I chose Heartbreaker by Justin Bieber.

After a couple of more hours it was finally 2 pm; I had to head to the hotel to rest and then at 4 pm I would have to get ready.

When I was in my hotel room, it felt SO good just to give my feet a rest.

“How was your dancy thing?” Prod asked as he searched the channels.

“Real good…” I giggled at what he called it.

“I bet you’re tired” He smiled at me.

“I am!” I wined. “My feet hurt, my throat hurts, and every single limb of my body.”

“That must suck!” He chuckled.

“It does…” I paused and looked at him. “How come you’re all happy all of a sudden?” I asked

“Alexis” That’s all he said and I knew that both him and Alexis were texting or had just talked to each other on the phone.


“Yeah…hey but can I ask you a question?” He asked now sitting on my bed.


“How come you and Alexis don’t talk to each other anymore?” He asked, and it was true Alexis and I hadn’t talked ever since Chres and I broke up.

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