Chapter 24:

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I didn’t know what to do or what to say. What if all of a sudden I accidently tell him?

“Ready?” Prod asked. Prod, Chres, James, and I were going to the mall.

“Um…yeah?” I got my leather jacket and put it over my dress.

Prod and I meet James and Chres together.                

“Hey, bae!”  Chres exclaimed giving me a peck on the cheek. Chresento and I hadn’t gotten back together. So I didn’t know why he was acting that way.

“Um…hey?” I was still confused.

“Okay?” James said. “Let’s go to the mall already!” He gestured us to a taxi that was waiting out front. I decided to sit in the front with the driver and the guys in the back.

“Where to guys?” I turned around to the driver; he looked familiar. I think he knew I was looking at him so he turned to me. “Rene?” he asked.

The guys looked at me with shocked faces.

“Logan?” I knew he looked familiar.

“You guys know each other?” Chres asked with a furrow eyebrow leaning toward me.

“Um…yeah? A long time ago Chres.” I explained still confused myself.

“Oh? So you’re Chresento?” Logan smiled. “Nice to meet you boy…” he smiled.

“Uh? Hi?” Chres said confusedly.

“Shy fellow? Huh?” Logan looked back at the road again. “So where to kids?” he asked again.

“The mall…” I explained.

“There are four malls here…” he informed.

“Um…can we go to the biggest one there is here.” Prod explained.

“Okay…to Omaha Big Mall State!” he announced and sped off.

The ride over there was just plain awkward.

“We are here!” Logan announced, I turned to my window and I saw a huge building.

“Whoa!” All four of us said in amazement.

“Well call me when you guys are done looking around this big place. Okay?” Logan explained.

“Okay…” I said softly.

As all of us got out Logan winked at me. Weirdo?!

We looked around in amazement oohing this and oohing that. As James and Prod got ahead I went around looking at some necklaces.

“Hey bae…” Chres exclaimed and nuzzled his nose on my neck while I had my arms crossed.

“What are you doing?” I asked giggling a lil.

“Nothing…you just forgot this.” He removed himself and put the necklace he gave me on Christmas Eve.

I was speechless.

“I know, I know!” he said defensively. “We aren’t dating but one of us has to try...” he said smiling.

True but I don’t know.

“I can make sacrifice’s for someone I love!” I explained leaning over and putting my lips on his.

“What was that for?” he asked while his hands where on my waist, and mine where on his cheek.

“Don’t act like you didn’t like it!” I smiled as he put his arms around me.

“Come on princess!” I laughed as he said that. “Let’s go find the boys.”

We walked around making jokes holding hands. We saw James and Prod in Famous Foot Wear.

“Hey guys…” Prodigy said sadly as he saw us arrive.

“What’s wrong my bro?” Chres asked putting his arm around Prod.

“Alexis broke up with him…” James explained.

“What!” Chres and I said in shock at the same time.

“I don’t know what I did wrong…” Prod said putting his hand on his neck.

“Rene, do you know why?” Chres asked.

“Um…” I was biting my lip.

“Rene?” Chres said sternly letting go of Prod and looking at me.

“Um…” I said again, walking away, and looking at some Jordan’s. “Oh? Look at these?” I grabbed the black shoes and showed them off.

“Rene?” Chres said sternly again grabbing the shoes from my hand and placing them back. “Why did Alexis break up with Prodigy?” he asked.

“We need to go talk about this somewhere else…” I explained quietly walking out of the store.

We all walked to the food court where it wasn’t that full. We sat down on a booth and they gave me the start-talking look.

“Um…S-So Alexis called me this morning…” I explained.

“Yeah? And?” James said annoyed wanting to know.

“And…she told me something…” I bit my lip.

“What she say bae?” Chres asked.

“…and she’s…pregnant…” I said softly.

“What!” All three of them said in shock.

What will the guys say? How will Prod react? Why did Alexis break up with the father of her baby? All good questions, but some of them will never be answered some will. So stay tune! Much Love

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