Chapter 21:

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“Rene?” whispered the host, I turned my head and headed to him in embarrassment to get the microphone.

“Sorry…” I whispered back. As he left I stood there waiting for my song to start; but I could only see the judges under all that light.

“Name?” asked an old women with glasses, with a pen in one hand ready to write.

“Um…Rene…” I replied shyly on to the microphone, I didn’t know they would ask questions.

“Number?” she asked again, and I remembered I was given a specific number.

“69” I said, and I heard some laughing in the audience and I knew why.

The elderly woman looked up and pulled her glasses up to see me.

“Why do you like singing?” she asked; I wondered why they hadn’t asked anybody else. Maybe because I was new?

“Um…” I stuttered biting my lip, I looked around the crowd and I saw my mom smiling; and I knew I couldn’t let her down. “I guess I feel like I’m the attention in the room when it comes to singing. I have always had problems in life; so every time I sing or dance I feel…normal…you know…me” I said, I felt really shaky.

“Good answer.” She said riding down, and then my song began. “You may begin, and good luck.”

I did everything I was supposed to do, trying to stay calm and nail every high notes. After I was done there was a lot of clapping if front of me, I bowed down as I was supposed to and walked back stage.

“Yeah! You did such a great job…I knew you were going to do well!” Mrs. Shepard hugged me really tight.

“Blood circulation.” I said laughing a little.

“Oops! Sorry…but you did such a great job!” she exclaimed rubbing my arm.

“Thanks…” I frowned a little.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Ugh? Oh? Nothing…” I lied as I walked away to my dressing room to get dressed for my next song.

“Um…okay? But we are switching the song, Le…” Mrs. Shepard said closing the door behind her.

“What?” I asked worried.

“Well…actually you know the song pretty well. Your mom told me you write music, and she gave me this song….” She stuck out my first ever journal of music as I opened it I was surprised how good I was. “I want you to perform ‘Crazy Love’” she said pointing to the title in the book.

“But…” I paused and looked down. “This is a duet.” I finished off.

“I know…” she smiled slightly.

“So that means I can’t do this…” I said sternly.

“Just get dressed into your new outfit I got you today, and just go on stage okay?” Mrs. Shepard smiled. “Trust me babe…”

I took a deep breath and nodded.

“Okay…” I got dressed into my skinny jeans, combat boots, a white crop shirt that says ‘Love or Hate’, and a white beanie.

“Ready?” Mrs. Shepard asked nervously.

“Yup…” I smiled nervously too.

As we got out of my dressing room everybody was dressed with something different; but because I am the last one to perform I decided to think it was true that I saw Chres here.

Right now we were having a break, so nobody would be there. Or would they? I sneaked to the red curtain and stuck my head out slightly. I looked around and Chresento was nowhere to be found. Maybe I was just imaging things? Maybe?

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