Chapter 23:

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 “Help! Help!” A voice yelled, I didn’t know if it was me though because I was in the middle of an ocean and there was a storm coming my way.

“Where are you!?” I yelled and I knew it was me.

“Over here!” I looked around swimming and was frightened.

“I can’t find you...” I began sobbing “I can’t I’m sorry!” I yelled into the ocean.

I woke up breathing deeply and sweating.

“Rene are you okay?” Prod asked from his bed.

“Uh? Yeah?” I got up from my bed and headed to the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror; I looked into the mirror deeply. I swear I saw my “parents” looking back at me with a smile. I heard yelling and I realized it came from me.

“Rene!? Rene!?” I looked at the door it was Prod banging on the door.

“Y-Yeah?” I asked scared.

“What the hell is the matter with you? Open the door!” He demanded, I did as I was told. “What the hell?” He asked as he hugged me.

“N-Nothing….I just need rest…” I was freaking out; first the notes, than getting flowers from Dawn, the dreams, and now my ‘parents’ staring at me. I think I was going crazy.

“Come on…” Prod said as he gestured me on my bed. “Why did you scream?” He asked as I was getting back under my blankets.

“I don’t know…” I said puzzled.

“Okay? Well it looks like you need rest so go to sleep.” He paused and sat down on my bed. “I’m not sleeping until I know your sound asleep. Understood?” He asked and I nodded.

As I closed my eyes, I knew there had to be a reason why I had that dream. I had been having excuses on not trying to find out why; but this is going too far.

I woke up with my phone ringing. I looked around before answering my phone; Prod was sleeping on his own bed with the TV on.

“Hello?” I asked tired.

“Hey….” I heard a girl voice on the other end.

“May I ask who this is?” I asked.

“Rene…it’s me…Alexis.” I could hear that she was crying.

“What’s the matter Alexis?’

“I w-went to the d-doctors…”she said softly; I sat up on my bed.

“What did the doctor say?” I didn’t know what I was getting myself into.

“T-The doctor s-said I-I’m pregnant…” she finished off sobbing.

“What?” was the first thing that came out of my mouth?

“Yes…” she sniffled. “I’m a month pregnant.” She told me.

“Who knows that you’re…you know.” I didn’t want to say pregnant because what if Prod would have heard me?

“Just you…” she kept crying quietly.

“Can I at least ask who the dad is?” I was scared to hear the answer.

“Y-Your brother….” I couldn’t believe it my 16 year old brother was a dad with a child on the way with my best friend who it 15!

“M-My brother?” now it was my turn to stutter.

“Please don’t tell him!” she whispered.

“I promise…but I have to go…I’ll call you later…I promise!” I paused and added. “And try to figure out how you’re going to tell your family members okay?”

“Okay…” she hung up and I felt dizzy. How are my parents going to take this? How is Prodigy going to take this? I was the one freaking out.

So what you guys think….yes like I said this story is almost over…sorry but I just like leaving you guys hanging…I’m such a bad person…jk. Much Love <3

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