Introduction to Characters.

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Lena Cooper: I've been working with Brian for years now. No matter how hard I try to block out the fact I like him I just can't. We have a mutual relationship. It's off and on if you know what I mean. The sex man it's great but ever sense he met Mia Dom's sister we have really been together. God I hate her. Most of the time Brian's racing and I'm stuck in this shitty old office. But one day I get a call to work on a case that is in sync with Brian's case but its in Britain. I'm supposed to catch the world worst heist group. They call themselves One Direction. I don't know why that's what their called but hell I don't care.

Brian O'Conner: I've been working with Lena for like maybe ten years if that. We had something for most of that time but then I met Mia. Most of the time I'm racing or with the "fam." Lena called a few days ago saying she needs my help. Of course I said I would I mean she is my partner, right? Most of the time I wouldn't ask why she needed my help but this time I did. She explained why and I said I would help because I'm a good racer. I've never questioned her judgement but I might when I see her in a few days time.

Niall Horan: Most of the time I'm with the rest of One Direction racing, in bars getting drunk, checking out girls, or I'm stealing shit. I'm one directions leader, in a way. I usually get what I want but when I don't someone dies or gets hurt. If you wanted something from me I get something from you. Well I've got to go, cause I've got a race to be at in a hour.

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