Not real update!!! Sorry but read it!!!

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"And in that moment I swear we were infinite."

"You deserve more I agree."

"And you don't need to worry."

"The dead never truly leave us."

"If the death of someone we all know is forgotten then we are nothing. If the life of someone we all know is forgotten then they are nothing and neither are we." I said this to friend who was making fun of Paul Walker.

My mum said this after she heard about Justin Beiber drag racing a Lamborghini at 60mph, "Paul Walker is rolling around in his grave laughing his fucking ass off at the fact that Justin was driving that car at 60mph and that it can go so much faster."


This is the whole truth and nothing but the truth, these where said by me and my family, well not the bolded parts anyway.

This next part is also true, I also said this to the same friend who made fun of Paul. I got straight to the point too.

"When we die we aren't forgotten by family. I know this because I still haven't forgotten my dad's parents and they died before the end of my 3rd grade year. I'm not smart but I'm also not stupid, the dead remain with us forever. When I mean forever I actually mean forever. No one knows where we go when we die. I hope when I die I go to my dream world which is mostly set up in the books I've written or the books I want to write. You only have one life to live so I suggest you live it to the best of your ability. Never ever stop living until your old and wrinkly. Chose your life and live it before its too late."

When I said my dream world, what I mean is when I go to sleep or daydream I go to books I've written and things I want to write about.

Would you like me to write a fandom about other books, with their permission of course or would you prefer something entirely made up?


Or "Vomment?!"

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