Part Seven: Death's Toll

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A/N: I'm so happy about the number of reads and I hope your all enjoying this as much as I am!!!!!!! You guys are so sweet and I just want you to listen to the songs of the chapter and read this a few times.

Songs of the chapter: Carry On, Sad Beautiful Tragic, and Rest of My Life.

"Dominic Toretto, you don't know me but you're about to." Fast Six/Fast Seven

"And you don't need to worry." Zayn Malik Through The Dark.

Part Seven: Death's Toll

Mia Toretto: When I open my eyes I'm in the hospital. A man is sitting in a chair at the end of my bed. "Who are you?" I ask and the man looks up. "I'm Kevin, a friend of Brian's. He just left to find Dom." Kevin replies. I nod and lean back up against my pillows. I hope Dom isn't yelling at Zayn. "Where's Eleanor?" I ask Kevin. He just gives my a sad look and shakes his head. (A/N: I just made some of you very happy

A few days later

The Funeral

Narrator: The rain starts to come down harder as One Direction and Eleanor's circle of friends walk over to where her grave will be. There are very little tears being spilt but they all knew her very well. No one wants to cry and they can't even with the sadness that grows within them. There is little talk because no one knows what to say. They can't believe she's dead and Mia was still with them. Zayn on the other hand doesn't care about Eleanor he's glad he still has Mia. No one blames him though because they would have lost a very valuable racer. Eleanor was a good racer but she was such a bitchy one.

One Direction: Welcome To the Fast LaneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon