Part One: London Heist!

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Lena Cooper: I get off the plane and see Brian standing their by his car. I smile and walk over to him. "So, how've you been?" I ask Brian. "I'm good how are you?" He asks. "Good." I say in reply even through I've missed him a lot more then I should. "Ok so we're going to race later if you want to come." Brian says as we get in the car. "Ok, great!" I say happily while trying not to kiss him. God. Why do I like him so much?

The Race

I walk over to my car and I notice someone looking at it. I recognise them from somewhere, work maybe. Aha! Now I know it's Niall Horan, he's part of the heist group One Direction. "Is this yours?" Niall asks. I nod and smile at him because I need to get to know them in order to catch them. "It's pretty cool, just like you." He says. I smirk and my eyes float to Brian who's talking to Dom, then back to Niall who is still looking at my car. I'm standing there then Niall says, "I think I should go I've got places to be and shit to fuck up." I laugh, he smiles and walks off. Dammit, that was my chance to get to know him and to catch him fuck this, I think to myself.

Harry Styles: I grab the steering wheel in one hand and my gun in the other. This was it my chance to prove what I could do. No matter if I wanted to stay alive or keep from getting caught, this was that chance. "Hey! Times up, let's fuck shit up." Louis yells from his car. This was no time for Lou's shit, we needed to do this because Niall would kill us if we didn't. I was going to do it anyway but it doesn't matter. If we didn't get this job done before Ni got back we'd be dead or worse in jail. One thing I know is that I rather be dead than in jail.

I take the gun out of the holster and hold it to the man's head. "You won't get out of this unless you tell me where to find the money." I say to the man. "Over my dead body." He says so I pull the trigger and he falls limply to the ground. No survivors, no pain, no jail time, I think as I walk towards the woman. "Please don't kill me!" She says. "Tell me where the money is and I won't." I lie right to her face but I don't think she catches it. "No survivors unless you know them." Niall would always say. "Over there in the truck." She replies I put the gun in the holster just to play along with the lie because I see to believe. I open the back of the truck and open on of the bags. She wasn't lying but I almost never keep promises that deal with life or death. "Put it in the car." I order Liam. I take my gun out again and tears form in her eyes just as I pull the trigger. I watch her fall and Zayn says, "You did what you had to do mate and no one blames you, ok?" I just nod. I mean I didn't want to kill her but rules are rules I didn't know her so I killed her.

I pull into my garage and turn off the car. God I've had a long day. Chasing those people I killed and killing them. I open the door and step out. I hear something behind me so I turn around to see what made the noise. "Ya know ya shouldn't kill for pleasure, Harry." Mary, one of my x-girlfriends says. "I didn't. I had a job to do so I did it." I reply with anger creeping up my spine. "Sure ya did." She says. I place my hand over my eyes to keep my anger at bay. "You know I don't like to do this, fight all of the fucking time. You really do get on my fucking nerves." I say angrily. "Harry, calm down! You shouldn't act this way, especially to me." She replies. "And why to you?!" I almost scream at her. I really am tired of her acting like a fucking bitch then turning into a nice little bitch. I hear her sigh deeply and then she says, "I need you. You obviously need someone too so..." She trails off and I turn to go inside. I needed to rest not to fuck.

Louis Tomilson: I sit up and answer the phone. I hear Harry's and Niall's voices in the background but I can't make out what there saying. "Hello?" I ask not wanting to get up sense it's only 2AM. "Hey, Niall wants you here in five minutes, can you do that?" Liam asks. "Yeah I guess." I reply. "Cool see ya when ya get here." He says and I hear a click telling me he hung up. I sigh, change, and I leave.

I pull up to the black iron gates and push the button to open them. I continue driving up the long stretch of the driveway and park the car. As I get out I grab my coffee and take one long swig before walking in. "Well it's nice to see you finally showed up!" Harry says jokingly to me. "Shut up, Harry!" Niall says from where he's sitting. "Where's Zayn?" I ask because he was with us during the heist. "He's on his way but we can start without him." Niall says. "I don't quiet understand, start what?" Liam asks what I was just about to. "We need more money and Niall wants you two and Zayn to steal it." Harry answers. "Why us?" Liam asks. "I've already done my part." Harry says in reply to Liam. "Hey, guys I'm here." Zayn says as he walks in. "Nice to see you, but it's time to go show you all where to go." Niall says as he gets up. I watch him walk over to his computer and he presses a button. I watch the screen turn from it's saver to a picture of Rio. "Rio?" Zayn asks. "Yeah Rio, there's some money down there I want and there's a girl too." Niall says. "A girl? Aren't there enough for you to chose from here?" I ask. "She's different. Wanna see her?" Niall asks. We all nod including Harry. He pulls up a picture of some girl. She's got brown hair, gray-blue eyes, and she's wearing a pair of jeans and a leather jacket. "Damn!" Zayn says under his breath. "What's her name?" Liam asks. "Lena." Niall replies. "Will she come easy?" I ask. "I don't think so but do what you have to do." Niall says in a tone of voice I haven't heard in ages.

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