Part Eight: After the Funeral

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A/N: I updated early because I didn't know what to say to 110 reads!!!!! Thanks guys!!!! I'm leaving you guys a challenge. If I get 120 reads by Monday I'll do an early-late update, so tell your friends!!!!!! I'll also try and write a longer chapter if you guys comment about it and stuff.


"And in that moment I swear we were infinite."~ Stephen Chbosky the Perks of Being a Wallflower.


"I don't wanna spend my life cheated, wasted."~ Carrie Underwood Wasted.


Part Eight: After the Funeral.

Louis Tomlinson: I don't know what to think sense I knew Eleanor the best. Are they targeting people that I know? Who's next? Sage? Me? I feel bad that she's dead, yeah but I don't think I feel that bad. "Louis, are you ok?" Sage asks. "I'm fine, just deep in thought." I reply as we walk to the car in the relentless rain. "Good, I'll drive, if you want." Sage says and I nod not wanting to drive in this shit. I hand her the keys and we both get in. "Why her? I mean she's a bitch but why just her and why not both of them?" I ask myself.

Mia Toretto: I walk over to Zayn who's standing by his car. "Hey." Zayn says as he pulls me into a hug. "It could have been me, Zayn." I say. "Don't say that, they obviously didn't want you dead, because if they did you would be." He replies. I sigh into his shoulder. "She didn't deserve this, she may have been a bitch but she didn't deserve this. If anyone deserved this it should be me." I say into his shoulder. "Don't say that." He replies pulling me out of the hug and looking directly at me. "You would deserve that either, and I wouldn't be anywhere without you." He says.

Harry Styles: I knew that Eleanor wouldn't be the last to die. Who's next? When will they die? Where will it happen? Why them? Are the questions going through my mind as I drive back to my house. I finally pull on to my road and I just want to stop thinking. I pull into my driveway and I get out of my car. My phone buzzes and I take it out of my pocket. "Hello?" I say. "We need to talk." Sage says. "About?" I ask as I unlock my door. "Louis." She replies. "Yeah, what about him?" I ask confused. "He's acting strange, paranoid to be exact." Sage says slightly worried. "Ok, well just leave him to his thoughts, we all need a few days to relax." I say as I close my door. "Ok, thanks." She says calmer then before. "I gotta go bye, Sage." I reply. "Bye." She replies before I hang up. I put my phone back into my pocket and I walk into kitchen.

*********Later on that day*********

Zayn Malik: I run my hand through my hair. Forcing myself to stay calm even if I just got pulled over by a cop. "Do you know how fast you were going?" The cop says. "Yeah, 70 miles per hour." I say. "70 mph in a 65 mph area." The cop replies. "Ok, give me the ticket then." I say as he hands it to me and walks away. "$250, really?" I scoff. I put it in the glove box and I take off again but slower in order to not get another ticket. "Just keep driving, never stop, ever even if your being followed. Never stop." I think. I know I can't stop driving. I needed to get away from everything for a few days, weeks even. I can't stand the anger everyone's giving me, I never did anything wrong. They blame me for her death. They blame me for everything. I don't deserve this, she didn't deserve what she got. I don't want to be the next to be taken from this world by the same person she was. I don't understand it, I wasn't the reason for her death, and I never was.

A/N: Hey guys!!! I hope you all fan, comment, vote, and read on!!!!!! :)

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