Part 4

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"Now that you know the rules, Liz, do you want to stay here in Alexandria?" Deanna asked, a smile on her face, "I really think you could make a great addition."

I nodded, "I'll help out in any way possible, I promise."

"I'm sure you will," she smiled again before turning to walk out the door, waving me in her direction, "Now, lets go find you a place to stay."

I followed her outside and down the street to a large white house, that kinda matched all the others, before she motioned for me to follower her up the stairs and inside.

"Well, what do you think?" She asked.

I stood in shock, "This place is beautiful and.. huge," I laughed, "Like insanely huge; isn't there somewhere smaller? I'm sure there's a bigger family here that could use this."

"Oh, it's not that big, don't even worry about it!" She chuckled, "Why don't you get comfortable and clean yourself up. I'll have Maggie bring by some extra clothes that we have and then later, when your ready, come by my place again and I'll introduce you to everyone."

I smiled, overwhelmed and grateful for everything that was happening, "Of course, yeah, thank you so much!"

"It's no problem." She smiled, leaving out the door.


I stepped out of the shower, still amazed at this placed and the fact that it actually had running water.
I wrapped a towel around myself before looking down at my dirty clothes, wishing that I would have waited to get those spare clothes before taking a shower.
And as if on que, I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

Confused and a little caught off guard, I opened it slowly.

"Oh, hi! Sorry, I don't mean to barge in or anything but I just wanted you to have something clean to change into when you showered up," she said sweetly, holding out some folded up clothes, "These should fit you; Deanna said we were about the same size."

"Thank you," I chuckled, "I really, really appreciate it."

"You're welcome," she nodded, "You're coming to Deanna's later to meet everyone, right?"

"Yeah, I'll be over there as soon as I'm done!" I smiled.

"Great; don't be a stranger!" She smiled back before walking back down the stairs.


Once I finished getting dressed and making myself look somewhat decent, I left the house and started walking over to Deanna's where I already saw a large group of people sitting around the porch. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit intimidated by all of theses new faces.

"There she is!" Deanna smiled, looking in my direction, causing all focus to be on me.

"Hi," I said nervously as I walked up to the group, "Sorry if I'm late-"

"No, no, not at all! Come up here, come meet everyone!" She said, waving me over as I walked up next to her, "So, I'm sure you all know by now that Rick brought someone back today; this is that someone, her name is Liz."

I looked around at a mix of smiles and wary faces as the group of people all muttered a welcoming.

"I think everyone's here.." she said looking around, "Mhm- oh Rick," she sighed, "Where's Daryl? Didn't you tell him we were all meeting up tonight?"

"I did," he nodded, "But he's still getting comfortable here to begin with."

Deanna rolled her eyes, "Well Liz, I'm sorry, please excuse him, he's still a bit feral."

I laughed a bit, "No it's okay, it's totally fine."

"Then how about we all introduce ourselves?" She suggested.


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