Part 27

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"Come on, I'll walk you back." Rosita said as she finished tidying up the medical supplies.

I nodded, "I'm glad I was able to meet you." I smiled at Tara, earning a smile back.

I then followed Rosita out of the infirmary and into the cool night air; the roads quiet and empty.

"So-" she began before I cut her off, knowing exactly what she was going to say.

"I had a bit of a meltdown after what happened and Daryl brought me to you guys, that's it."

"A meltdown?" She asked.

"Yeah, I just watched two people get killed and I'm not exactly used to it." I snapped back, annoyed at her constant questioning.

She sighed, "I'm sorry, I just- I'm watching out for these people."

"Well, I'm pretty sure it's been established that I could barely hurt a fly." I mumbled, "I'm still not used to this world and I don't think I ever will be.."

"Then don't be," she shrugged, "We aren't made to be ok with seeing all this shit."

I nodded slowly, taking in her words as we continued to walk, "It's just hard sometimes."


I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling; images of just hours ago coursing through my mind. I had so many questions and so many fears that I felt were just stuck inside with nowhere to go, slowly driving me insane.

My body jumped at the sudden muffled sound of knocking coming from downstairs; fear of the unknown sending chills down my spine as I got up and walked through the dark house.

I slowly opened the front door, peaking through until I saw Daryl on the other side.

"You scared me." I said lightly, letting out a relieved sigh and further opening the door.

"Ya doin' ok?" He asked through the messy hair that laid over his face.

I nodded, leaning against the door frame, "I'm better."

He nodded back, "Rick wants to talk to ya tomorrow, ya know, 'bout everything."

I furrowed my brows at him, crossing my arms, "So you told him about what happened?"

"No," he shook his head, "It ain't none of his business."

I then sighed, now mad at myself for snapping at him again, before wrapping my arms around his neck and tightly hugging him, "I'm sorry," I breathed out, "I'm ok now."

I felt as his arms lightly went around my waist before he pulled away, "I'll see ya tomorrow." He nodded before walking off the porch and into the darkness of the road.


I tiredly came down the stairs, my night of sleep being constantly interrupted by tossing and turning, before heading into the kitchen and rummaging through the box of food Olivia had brought me.

I pulled out a can of mixed fruit before finding a fork and digging in; savoring a flavor I'd missed for so long.

As I finished, I threw the can away and headed out to Rick's house, knowing that we both wanted to talk to each other.

"Hey, Liz!" Rosita called as she jogged over to me, "Hey, is there any chance we could postpone today's lesson? I really just want to keep an eye on Tara now that Pete's gone."

"Yeah, that's fine." I nodded, "I could use a break from being alone with you, anyway." I joked.

She laughed, rolling her eyes, "Well, don't get used to it."

I smiled, shaking my head before continuing to walk down the road until I saw Rick turn the corner just ahead of me.

"Rick!" I called out, causing him to turn around and walk my way.

"Hey, you doing ok?" He asked as he pulled me into a hug, "I didn't see you after everything happened."

I nodded, pulling away, "I just didn't really expect to see everything I did.. kinda messed me up for a minute, but I'm doing better now."

"Well, I'm glad," he said, "I didn't want it to go down the way that it did, and it wouldn't have if Pete-"

"No, I get it." I cut him off, shrugging, "You did what you had to do to protect us."

"I did." He nodded, "And I'm going to continue to do so-- whatever it takes."

"Who was that guy that showed up last night?" I asked, changing the subject.

"His name's Morgan; he saved my life at the beginning of all of this."

"So he's.. good? Right?" I asked, weary of the stranger.

"Yeah," Rick nodded, "I think so."

"Ok," I nodded back, "Is there anything you want me to do today? My days kinda free right now."

"Nothing that I can think of at the moment, no, I kind of just want everyone to stay put for right now." He shook his head, "Maybe go check with Maggie later, she might have something."

"Ok, I'll do that."


I continued walking through the streets until I saw Daryl in the distance, working on his motorcycle.

"Hey," I said walking up to him, "Thanks for checking on me last night."

He looked up momentarily from his bike, nodding, before returning his attention to it.

I sat down on the curb a few feet from him, "Do you know anything about Morgan?"

"Nah, just met him last night." He mumbled, "Got me and Aaron outta a shitty situation, though."

I looked over to him, "What happened?"

"Got trapped in a car," he said as he continued to wipe down parts of his bike, "Came outta nowhere an helped us out."

I nodded, "Well, remind me to thank him."

Daryl stopped what he was doing, looking over to me, a confused look on his face, "For what?"

"Saving your ass," I laughed, "Without him I might've had to do runs without someone to constantly get on my nerves."

He let out a slight laugh, "Yeah well, lucky you."

The air between us went silent as I watch him continue to wipe a rag over different parts of his motorcycle; my mind drifting off and finally relaxing.

"Ya wanna go on a ride?" Daryl asked lowly, his voice quickly grabbing my attention, "Go scout out some places or somethin'?"

"Rick told me he wanted everyone to stay put because of everything that happened, you know?"

Daryl shrugged, tossing the rag to the ground, "Won't be long."

I chuckled, shaking my head, "Fine," I said as I stood up, "But if he gets pissed, it's your fault."

He threw a leg over his bike, knocking the kickstand up before flicking his head over, "C'mon."

Oooooooooooooo some alone time???

Kidding but like 🌚

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