Part 43

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As I walked out of the room that Deanna was in, I was quickly brought out of deep thought as I heard loud bangs, followed by Rick and Jessie running down the stairs.
I quickly followed behind, afraid that the herd had broken into the house before noticing that all of the noise was coming from inside the garage.

"Carl!" Rick yelled, pounding on the door with his fist, "Carl!"

"Ron!" Jessie yelled.

"Let me in!" Rick yelled again, desperately pulling at the doorknob, "Carl!

"Ron, open the door right now!" Jessie pleaded, but with no response, as I stood helpless behind them.

"Back up!" Rick ordered to us as he pulled out his axe and began bringing it down on the deadbolt, over and over again before it finally got knocked off.

"Come on!" Rick yelled as he swung the door open, Carl and Ron quickly rushing through it right as part of the herd broke into the garage.

We all rushed to hold the now broken door closed as walkers piled against the other side, showing no signs of giving up.

"Liz, help me get this couch!" Rick yelled, ushering me away from the door.

We quickly picked up the couch, tipping it upwards and rushing it to the door.

"Watch out!" Jessie said, pulling Carl and Ron away as we shoved the couch against the door, Gabriel and Michonne soon coming to help us hold it in place.

"We need more and we need to be quiet." Rick instructed as calmly as he could.

Michonne nodded, "I'll see what I can find."

"Me too." Gabriel added, rushing off to another room as Jessie took his place.

"I'll help-" Carl began before getting cut off.

"Hey, hey, what happened in there?" Rick asked, referring to the banging coming from the garage.

"We were looking for tools and knocked over a shelf." Carl breathed, struggling to help us hold the couch in place.

"We heard yelling." Jessie added.

"Yeah, Ron saw them break through the gates-- we had to move." He explained, "That's what happened."

"Carl, there's nightstands in my moms room, we can brace the couch with them." Ron said as he came back into the room.

"It sounded like fighting-" Jessie continued as the pressure against the door only got stronger.

"Yeah, but we were fighting them." Ron said, cutting his mother off before heading up the stairs, Carl soon behind him.

Just then, Michonne and Gabriel came back, dragging a heavy dresser out of the living room before shoving it against the couch, giving us all the opportunity to stand back and see if it would hold, and thankfully, it did.


As soon as it seemed like we were finally able to catch our breath, more crashing came from downstairs, causing us to all rush down and check it out.

"Rick!" Jessie yelled as the rest of us threw ourselves against the already barricaded backdoor that was threatening to burst open.

"It's just too many of them!" Gabriel exclaimed, right as part of the herd broke through one of the other doors.

"Everybody get upstairs now!" Michonne yelled, rushing the herd and taking out the ones that had already made it inside.

"Back up!" Rick yelled as he motioned for us to get away from the compromised entrance and up the stairs.
"The couch!" He instructed as he and Michonne grabbed it, "Lets block the stairs!"

I stood at the top with the others as they finally got the couch in place before I heard something that left me very confused.

"I got this one, you get the one behind it." Rick murmured, "We're gonna need at least two."


"We're gonna need bedsheets, enough for everyone." Rick instructed as he drug another body into the upstairs room.

"Bed sheets for what?" Jessie asked.

"We're all going to the armory-"


"We're gonna gut these things and cover ourselves with the insides-- it'll mask our smell and make them think we're like them." He explained, pulling out a pocketknife, "I've done it before; we stay calm, we don't draw attention, and we can move right through them."

"You can't be serious.." I breathed as my eyes stayed locked on the pocket knife Rick was using to cut into the walker.

"They're in the house, they're making noise.. more are coming." Michonne added before stabbing through the torso of one.

The room went silent, only filled with the stomach turning sound of rotting entrails.

"Anyone who stays here, is gonna die." Rick said, looking back to us.

"What about Deanna?" Gabriel asked.

Rick sighed, digging through more of the guts, "We'll figure something out."


I stood quietly, stuck in my thoughts, as a sheet covered in walker blood and guts laid draped over my body; the smell being worse than I ever thought it could be and only wondering how I ended up in this position.

"Hey," Carl nudged me, "We're gonna make it."

I let out a deep breath, taking in his encouraging words before nodding, "I know we will.. I trust you guys."

"We have to go." Michonne whispered back at us as we all gathered at the top of the stairs.

Rick then grabbed Judith before placing her under Carl's sheet, "You good?"

"Yeah." Carl nodded.

"Then lets go."

We then headed down the stairs, pushing the couch out of the way and quietly entering the herd as my heart refused to slow down.
This was the only option and I knew this is what I needed to do; face the thing that still scared the hell out of me and the thing that was the constant source of my nightmares. This is what I needed to face in order to continue surviving.

Thankfully, Rick's plan worked, and as we made it outside the house, we joined hands and began our walk to the armory.

Kinda just a short filler chapter bc the next one is gonna be filled with drama and emotion and whatnot

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