Part 40

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"I know I've said this so many times, I know it, but it's what we all have to believe," Rick began as we continued our late night talk, "They know what they're doing; Daryl, Abraham, Sasha, Glenn-- they've been out there before and they made it back-"

"But that's what everyone said in my last group," I interrupted, looking over at him, "It wasn't just me, Cole, and Meredith the whole time; we had people, loads of them." I reminded, the past bringing up emotions of sadness and anger, "I knew that they had no idea what they were up against but everyone told me the same damn thing 'they know what they're doing', and then after they left, they never came back."

"This is different, Liz, you've seen what they can do." Rick said, trying to reassure me.

"And I've also seen what others can do-- look at what happened today," I added, "We aren't invincible, Rick."

He sighed, taking in my words before nodding, "You're right, and I'm sorry, it's just-" he paused, "I sent them all out there, you know? I have to have some kind of faith that they'll be back."

I nodded, playing with my hands before looking back over at him, "Well, Daryl promised me he'd come back, if that eases your mind at all."

"Does it ease yours?" He questioned.

I shrugged, "He hasn't let me down yet."

Rick nodded, leaning back against the couch, "Then he'll be back."

I brought my feet up on the couch, hugging my knees against my chest as I leaned back, "I hope so."

"So, you ever gonna tell me what's been going on between you two?" He asked suspiciously, the vibe in the room shifting from serious to more playful and light.

I chuckled, lightly shaking my head, "No."

"No?" He repeated, curiously looking over at me as a grin formed on his face, "And why's that?"

"I don't even think there's anything going on," I admitted.

He nodded, obviously not buying it, "It's just, you two have been spending a lot of time together.."

I laughed, feeling embarrassed, "I've just been enjoying his company, that's all."

"Seems like he's been enjoying yours as well." Rick added as he tried holding back a smirk.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure he's enjoyed listening to me whine and complain." I joked.

"Well, I'm just glad you're both getting along," Rick admitted, "You're gonna make one hell of a team, I know it."


"I should probably get back and try to get some sleep." I said as I stood up, the time on the clock getting later and later.

"Why don't you just stay here tonight?" Rick offered, "After everything that happened today, I'd rather you not be alone in that house for awhile."

I nodded, thankful for his offer, "Yeah, I can just crash on this couch or something." I said, looking to the couch beside us.

He shook his head, pointing up the stairs and then gesturing me to follow him, "There's a bed up here."

I tiredly followed behind him until he open the door to a room that contained very little furniture, but had possessions that pointed to its owner.

"Since he's not back yet, I don't think he'd mind you staying in here." Rick said.

I let out a shaky breath as I walked in before turning back to Rick, "Thank you."

He gave me a slight nod, "I'll be two doors to the left if you need me."


I laid in the bed that carried a familiar, comforting scent as gentle tears rolled down the side of my face, unable to shake the thought of something unimaginable happening to the one person I seemed to have such a connection to.
I knew he could handle himself, everyone knew that, but this world is different now and anything can happen. Hell, we never thought Alexandria would get raided by crazy, knife wielding strangers, but it did and it happened at the worst possible time.
And not only was Daryl and the others on my mind, but I couldn't stop thinking about those men that I killed. It wasn't that I felt bad about it, it was that I didn't.. I felt numb to what I did and it scared me. I know Daryl said that it isn't hard when they deserve it, but I still thought I'd feel something- anything after taking another life, but.. maybe that's what this world does to you.

Another shortish chapter, just finishing up Rick and Liz's conversation and revealing a bit more of Liz's background along with the feelings between her and Daryl.
The next few chapters are ones to look forward to.

Let me know what you think!

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