Part 37

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Once it was all over, I finally allowed my legs to give out as I sat down in the grass, Rosita standing over me as she somberly looked around at the town that was now covered in bodies.

I let out a shaky breath as I wiped my bloody knife through the clean grass, now noticing that my hands were also covered in blood.

"Everything washes away." Rosita sighed, sitting down beside me.

"Not the memories." I said weakly, as everything that just happened began truly setting in.

"And if they did, things like this would happen more often," she said, "We don't forget for a reason."

I looked over at her, nodding, tears forming in my eyes but my mouth unable to speak more; her words bringing me the comfort that I so desperately needed.


I walked beside Maggie and Deanna, Spencer and Rosita behind us, as we made our way along the perimeter of Alexandria, making sure everything was secure and killing anyone that had turned.

My heart dropped as we came across a charred walker, knowing that that was once one of us, before Maggie quickly took it out.

She sighed, looking back at where Deanna and I stood, "We're still here."

"Not all of us." Deanna said somberly.

Maggie nodded, "All we can do now is wait for Rick and the rest of the group to get back.. I- I'm sorry that all this happened, Deanna."

"So am I." She nodded back before walking towards the town.

I let out a sigh as my mind began to feel numb from all of the emotional trauma it had endured; flashes of the cruel acts replaying over and over again.

"Darlin', are you doing ok?" Maggie asked quietly as she came closer to me, moving my hair away from the cut on my face, "You're really gonna have to let me patch you up, ok?"

I shook my head before looking up at her, pointing in the direction of the gate, "I still have to do watch; everyone's gonna be back soon and-"

"I'll keep an eye on the gate," Rosita cut in, walking up beside us, "Just go get cleaned up."

I nodded, weakly exchanging smiles before Maggie wrapped an arm around me and began walking towards the infirmary.


I sat on one of the tables in the, now blood covered, infirmary, as Maggie grabbed a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a rag.

I sighed as my eyes stayed locked on the pool of blood covering the wooden floors, before I felt a sharp sting, causing me to jump back.

"Ow, hell-" I hissed.

"I'm sorry," she sighed, continuing to move the damp rag around my face, "Try not to look at that mess, ok?"

I nodded, looking back at her, "Is it bad? The cut?"

"No," She said slowly, squinting slightly as she looked at it again, "How'd you get it?"

"One of the people." I sighed.

"Well, the good news is that you won't need stitches," she smiled, "Bad news is, it might leave a scar."

I shrugged, tiredly smiling back, "It doesn't matter anymore."


Once we came out of the infirmary, both of us now cleaned up, we noticed Michonne standing over by Rosita and quickly made our way to both of them.

"Where is everyone else? Where's Glenn?" Maggie asked anxiously.

"We got split up-"

"The herd got loose and then the horn made them scatter." Rosita cut in, filling us in on what Michonne already said so she wouldn't have to repeat it.

Michonne nodded, "I ended up with Heath, Nicholas, and Glenn," she explained, "The town we were in got overrun and he split off with Nicholas. He had this idea that if he lit a fire, it would stop the walkers from coming here.. I tried to go instead-- I wanted to." She sighed, "The fire never got lit. We had to keep going.. I'm sorry."

Maggie let out a shaky sigh, nodding as she tried processing everything that Michonne said.

"He said, if he got stuck, that he would find a way to send us a signal." Michonne added, reassuringly.

"A signal?" Maggie repeated.

I scoffed under my breath as I ran my hands over my face, feeling like this day couldn't get any worse, before we all heard something that sent chills down our spine.

"Open the gate!" Rick's familiar voice yelled from outside the walls, barely audible, "Open the gate!"

I looked at the people around me in confusion before we all followed Michonne to Alexandria's main gate.

"Open the gate now!" We heard him yell again before the gate was finally pulled open, revealing Rick with a massive herd of walkers behind him.

As he ran towards us, he knocked one over, stumbling beside it before getting up and dashing through the gate as it was closed quickly behind him; all of us in a state of confusion and shock.

My mind began filling with fear once again as I stood face to face with the one thing I knew I couldn't handle; another herd.

As you probably know, Daryl is out and about during this time, so the next couple chapters won't have him in it, but they will still have parts about him, I promise!

Also, I just wanted to take a minute to thank every single one of you who has been reading this fanfic and my last one, For The Ones I Love. I truly love writing and you guys have given me the opportunity to do it again and it means the world to me.
Thank you so so much for supporting me and my writing, I appreciate it.💕💕💕

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