Part 26

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As the group of shaken up people began to disperse, Daryl came over to where Carol and I stood.

"Ya both ok?" He asked, his eyes scanning us.

"We're fine, Daryl." Carol answered as I nodded, wiping the tears off my cheek before pulling out of her grasp, just needing to get away and clear my head.

Tears continued to fall as I wandered the near vacant streets; my clouded mind not allowing me to remember where my house was in the dark.

"Liz!" Daryl's familiar voice called in the background causing me to reluctantly stop.

"I can't-" I shook my head as he caught up to where I now stood.

"Ya can't what?" He asked, looking me over, "Ya hurt? What's wrong-"

"Two people just got killed, Daryl, that's what's wrong!" I sobbed, "And I- I couldn't do anything about it."

"People die, Liz, that don't mean it's your fault-"

"But what if it is next time, Daryl?" I cut him off, "What if next time I'm the reason someone dies? I can't- I can't do it again.."

"Again?" He questioned lowly, his eyebrows furrowed behind his dirty hair, "What'd ya mean.. again?"

I shook my head, tears overflowing onto my cheeks again, "Mason.. Daryl," I said as I stared into his eyes, "I killed him."

He stayed silent, processing what I said before speaking again, "Why?"

"He got bit-"

"Then that ain't your fault-"

"I took his life, Daryl!" I cut him off, "He was my best friend and I shot him!"

"That shit ain't your fault, Liz!" He yelled back over my voice, pacing on his feet.

I then collapsed to the ground, my legs giving out from under me as I continued to sob, "I can't do this anymore-- I don't want to-"

"Ya said ya weren't gonna give up on this group!"

"You don't know me, Daryl!" I retorted, "You don't know what I've had to go through!"

"Ya think you're the only one who lost people? You don't know half the shit I've gone through to be here!"

"Fine, Daryl.." I shook my head, my voice now sore from yelling, "You win-- you were right."

He sighed, shaking his head before grabbing my arm, "Nah, I wasn't." He said pulling me up, "Let's go."


I tiredly followed beside him through the dark roads as I wiped my cheeks of any remaining tears.

He pushed open a door to a house, I now noticed was the infirmary, before walking me inside.

"The hell happened in here?" He asked, the sullen mood of the room being apparent.

"We're ok.." Glenn's hoarse voice spoke up, "Nicolas and I ran into a herd, but we're ok."

Daryl nodded before lightly pushing me forward, letting go of my arm, "Maggie, I need ya to watch her."

I whipped my head back around in his direction, "Watch me?"

"Hun, it's ok," Maggie spoke up, causing me to turn back to her, "There's someone I think you should finally meet, anyway."

I furrowed my eyebrows, scanning the room before noticing Tara, who was now awake.

She smiled before looking up at Maggie, "Who's the new girl?"

Maggie's chuckled, "Tara, this is Liz-"

"She retrieved the medication necessary for you to pull through." Eugene said, cutting in.

She smiled at me, "Thank you."

I smiled back, nodding, before the door I'd just came through closed, and Daryl was gone.


"If you don't mind me asking," Tara began as I stood beside the bed she was on, Maggie tending to Glenn on my left, "Where the hell did you come from?"

I laughed, "Rick found my stray ass-," I joked as I looked over at Rosita, quoting her, "- on top of a car."

She nodded, "Sounds pretty badass if you ask me."

"Oh yeah, super," I joked, "I wasn't near tears at all."

"Liz." Rosita said, getting my attention before flicking her head over.

I quickly dismissed myself from the conversation and walked over to Rosita, "What's up-"

"What's going on with you and Daryl? What did you do?" She questioned lowly, now away from Nicolas.

"What did I do?" I asked confused, "I didn't do anything."

"Why'd he bring you here and ask Maggie to keep an eye on you then?" She continued before Maggie stepped in, grabbing more bandaging tape out of a drawer.

"Quit interrogating her; we've all been through enough tonight." She said, "Liz, how about I teach you a bit about first aid while we have some willing participants."

I nodded, following behind her to where Glenn sat, his face bleeding and in obvious pain.

"Damn, what happened to you?" I asked as I scanned his injuries.

He painfully chuckled, "Walkers and a ricocheted bullet."

"Liz," Maggie said in a hushed tone, "What really did happen with you and Daryl?"

"What?" I asked confused, "But you just-"

"Rosita can be a bit harsh at times," she snickered, "I'd rather you tell me first so she doesn't overreact."

I sighed, shaking my head, "It was just about what happened at the meeting tonight; it's a lot to handle, you know?"

She nodded, sticking a piece of bandaging tape to a cut on Glenn's face, causing him to flinch, "I get it, and I'm sorry you had to see that, hun."

"Does anyone know how Deanna's doing?" Glenn asked.

I shook my head, "Probably not great, I'm guessing."

"I'll go check on her after I finish with patching you up." Maggie said as she tore another piece of tape off the roll.

Not too much happened in this chapter, but there's more to come.

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