Part 59

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Rick sighed, placing his hands on his hips as the gears in his head worked, "Well, lets just hope, with the ones you've already taken out, that we won't have to deal with anymore of them anytime soon."

Daryl nodded, "Just tell everyone to keep an eye out; these people ain't got good intentions."

"Already ahead of you," Rick nodded before looking back over at me, "You good?"

I nodded, a small smile on my face knowing that I'd always be safe around these people, "I'm good."

"Good," Rick smiled back, "I'm gonna go let our lookouts know and, when you're both done unloading, we can go over everything that happened again."

"Sounds good." Daryl murmured, opening up the back car door and beginning to unload what we had picked up.


"Ain't a bad run-- considering." Daryl mumbled, placing a crate of canned food on the makeshift pantry floor.

"Could've been better-- should've been better." I shook my head, pulling out the few boxes of bullets that I'd taken out of the strangers truck.

"Rick and I's plannin' to go again tomorrow," he said, wiping his forehead, "Supposed to be some storage building out there or somethin'-- little further out." He explained, "Could have everythin' Alexandria needs."

I sighed before looking back up at him, "Just be careful.."

"I will," he nodded, pulling my face closer to his and leaving a sweet kiss on my lips for the first time in a place where others could see, "Promise."

"Okay." I said softly, an uncontrollable smile forming before it was quickly wiped away as my eyes locked with Spencer as he chatted with Rosita down the street.

"Um," my mouth let out before any thoughts were properly formed, "Nicholas-- what happened between you and Nicholas before I came here?"

Daryl's eyebrows furrowed at me as he took the extra gas can out of the trunk of the car, "Who told ya anythin' happened?"

"Spencer.." I said quietly, "He said you almost choked him out or something-- that you're dangerous."

He scoffed lightly, tossing the gas can to the ground as he got visibly annoyed by the remarks, "He tell ya I did it 'cause his piece of shit brother tried gettin' us kicked out right before goin' after Glenn?"

I shook my head, "I just- I wanted to know what happened-"

"Yeah, well what else he tell ya?" He cut me off.

I sighed, not wanting to make him more upset but also not wanting to lie to him, "He said that I shouldn't trust you.. and that I should move in with him instead of having you stay over every night."

"Son of a bitch." He growled as he noticed Spencer down the road before making quick strides towards him.

"Daryl?" I said, concerningly, as I followed behind him, "Daryl, wait!"

His hands quickly connected with Spencer's chest, catching him off guard, as he stumbled back against the side of a house.

"Daryl!" Rosita warned, as she stood back with me; pulling me back.

"I swear to god, if ya wanna keep ya nuts outta ya throat, ya gonna keep ya distance from Liz." Daryl lowly threatened, his grip on Spencer's shirt getting tighter with rage by the second, "Ya got it?"

The air around us went dead as Spencer stayed silent, his glare moving from Daryl's face over to mine before Daryl slammed his body against the house again.

"Got it?" He repeated himself before another voice broke the tension filled silence.

"Daryl!" Rick yelled as he ran up, pulling Daryl back, "Dont do this; we have bigger things to worry about!"

Daryl stood back, his breathing heavy as his glance shifted throughout the small group of onlookers who had gathered to see the commotion, before he let out a huff, turning and heading back towards the houses.

"What was that all about?" Rick asked, getting my attention out of my shaken state.

"He just-"

"Daryl can't control himself-- that's what happened." Spencer cut me off as he steadied himself, glancing over at me, "I told you."

"Fuck you." I scoffed before turning and heading towards the houses as well; needing to fix what I felt like I started.

Rick quickly caught up with me, stopping me in my tracks, "Hey, what's going on with all of this? You, Spencer, Daryl-"

"Spencer's been trying to convince me to stay away from Daryl and I- I told him what he said because I didn't want to keep anything from him and-" I continued as my voice began to get shaky before Rick stopped me.

"Hey, listen-- it's ok." He said calmly, his hands placed on my shoulders, "I'll deal with Spencer and you can go talk to Daryl-- work this all out."

I swallowed harshly before nodding and wrapping my arms around Rick; desperate for the same soothing feel I get from Daryl, but coming up short.


I headed into Rick's house and up the stairs before pushing open Daryl's door; the sight causing my heart to drop.

"Daryl.." I said softly as I watched him pack things into a backpack, "What're you doing?"

"Gettin' outta here." He mumbled before trying to push past me, "Move."

"Daryl, stop," I pushed on his chest, tears brimming my eyes as I desperately tried to find the light in his, "You can't leave-- you promised you wouldn't!" I reminded, "You said that if I didn't, you wouldn't either."

Daryl shook his head, his voice low, "Maybe he's right-- maybe ya shouldn't trust me."

"If I don't trust you.. then I don't have anyone." I said honestly, my voice shaky, "I mean, there's Rick and Maggie and everyone else but.. I'd go through hell and back with you, Daryl, because I know you wouldn't let anything happen to me."

He stayed silent, his stare directed at the floor beneath us, "Why'd ya ask 'bout Nicholas?"

I shrugged, "It happened before I got here and Spencer was making it sound like some huge deal.. I didn't trust him and I wanted to know the truth."

"Yeah well, now ya know." He murmured, sliding the backpack off his shoulder before sitting down on the side of the bed.

I nodded, walking over to where he sat before taking a seat beside him, "I know you'd never hurt someone unless they deserved it."

Daryl nodded slightly, "I can't lose ya, Liz."

"You'll never have to."

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'd love to hear your input on it!

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