Part 33

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His question caught me off guard but I quickly shook my head, furrowing my eyebrows in a fake confusion, "No? Why?"

"No reason," He shook his head, continuing to the front door, "I'll see you tomorrow morning at the gate; you know where to find me if you need anything."


I laid in my bed, staring at the dimly lit ceiling, hoping I'd finally get tired enough to fall asleep, but knowing that my restless mind wouldn't let me do that.
The silence in the room began getting to me as thoughts and images, that I'd repressed, started flooding towards me again.
Frantically, I hopped out of bed and ran downstairs through the dark house until I reached the living room. I then sat on the couch, wrapping a blanket around myself, as I waited for what seemed to happen every night; Daryl standing on my front porch.

As time went on, my anxiety only got worse; images running through my head of what happened the last time I was faced with a large herd and the ear piercing shrieks of the people I was with, as I had to watch them get torn apart.

I looked over at the wall clock, knowing that it was only getting later, and still seeing no sign of Daryl.
I sighed, quickly throwing the blanket off my myself and leaving through my front door, not really thinking but desperate to be near someone that made me feel safe, not only from this world, but from my own mind.

I walked down the dark street, tears forming in my eyes at the thought of something going wrong, with the herd, refusing to leave my head.

I soon came upon Rick's house, his porch dimly lit, and to my relief, Daryl stood at the bottom of the stairs smoking a cigarette.

"Liz?" He squinted his eyes, looking over to me.

Without thinking, I ran over to him, burying my head in his chest as I tried muffling my weak cries.

His hands lightly hovered over my body before he pulled away, confusion and worry in his eyes as he studied my face.

"What happened to ya? What's wrong?"

I wiped my tears, shaking my head as I desperately tried to get my words out, "I was- I was waiting for you to come by and- and you never did and-"

"I didn't know ya wanted me over there." He shrugged, shaking his head.

"I need you." My weak, emotion filled voice said.

Daryl stayed silent for a moment before nodding, rubbing out his cigarette, and sitting on the porch steps, "C'mon." He gestured me over.

I willingly complied, sitting beside him and letting out a sigh before wiping at my face again, "I'm sorry, it's just- you said I could come by if-"

"I know what I said," he mumbled, stuffing the half smoked cigarette back into its pack, "Wasn't lyin' either."

I nodded, unsure what I wanted to say now that I was here.

"You gon' tell me why ya cryin' again?" He asked lowly, nudging my knee with his.

I weakly chuckled, looking over to him before back at my hands that were placed in my lap, "I uh, I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping just because of everything that's happened, I think."

He nodded, "Ya told anyone else?"

"No," I shook my head, looking to the shadowed road in front of me, "Only you."

"Why?" He mumbled.

"I sleep better after talking to you," I shrugged, "I don't toss and turn all night."

He stayed silent, only nodding at my answer.

"Do you think there's any other way to deal with the herd?" I asked lowly, changing the subject to what had really been bothering me tonight, "Like what Carter said-- we could just build another wall, right?"

"Won't hold 'em." Daryl shook his head, "Ya heard Rick-- there's too many."

I swallowed harshly as I nodded, turning away as tears began to brim my eyes again, despite my best efforts, "I just don't want you to go-- I don't want any of you to go."

"We wouldn't be doin' this unless we knew it could be done." He murmured, trying to reassure me.

"But what if it can't, Daryl? What if you go out there after the dry run and- and something goes wrong?" I asked, turning to face him, "What then?"

"Won't happen." He shrugged, standing up, his body now visibly tense from the conversation we're having.

"And how do you know that?" I asked, a tear speeding down my cheek as I looked up at him.

"'Cause I'm not gonna leave ya."

Shorter chapter because I thought this would be a really cute place to leave off on.

What do you think about the little relationship that Liz and Daryl have going on?

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

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