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It's time to stay up a little later, study a little harder, stand a little taller, smile a little wider and slay a little fiercer.

"You sure she lives here?" Olivia asked, looking around us to see if anyone was there. We were outside Ashley's house. It was 11:39. We had half of our faces covered under a black scarf. We could easily pass for burglars. I just hoped we didn't get caught.

"Positive," I whispered to her. She nodded and stepped forward.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked as I pulled her back.

"Going in, of course. How are we supposed to get your revenge without going in?" She asked in a 'duh' tone.

"We can't go in through the gates. What if we get noticed?"

"Well there is no other way inside other than the gates."

"Follow me," I said.

I circled around the house searching for an easy entry. But I found none. The whole house was surrounded by high walls. They were not so high so maybe we could climb up.

"We'll have to climb up," I stated and turned to find Olivia staring at me in horror.

"Maybe I didn't tell you this but I'm afraid of heights." She deadpanned.

"I know but come on, it's not that high. You won't die."

"No way. I'm not fond of ending in the hospital for your stupid revenge plan. Thank you very much," she said, putting her hands in the air and backing away from me.

"Liv, please. You can't back down! I promise you won't get hurt. Please," I pleaded.

"Nope. Not happening."

"Oh come on."

"No," She said sternly.

"I'll pay for your food for the whole week," I tried to convince her.

"Tempting but no."

"I'll complete your homework and help you ace your tests."

"Oh please, I don't fail."

"I'll clean your house, heck even the toilet for a month! Please!"

"Hmm," she mused, contemplating whether to take the offer or not. "Okay. But stick to your words."

"Always have, always will! Now come on!"

I dragged her towards the wall and gave her a boost. To my surprise, she effortlessly climbed up the wall.

"Don't look down!" I whispered to her lest she did and fell down. That wouldn't be good for my plan.

Once she got on the other side safely, I began to climb up. I placed my hands on the wall and pushed myself up. I swung my leg over the wall. But my clumsy foot slid off the edge and before I knew it, I had managed to face plant myself in the dirt. Which of course meant that I fell down a two meter tall wall. How nice.

I saw Olivia beside me and she was silently shaking with laughter.

"Shut up. Let's go," I snapped, giving her a glare as I dusted my jeans off of imaginary dirt.

She quietened eventually and followed me. I soon found Ashley's room. She was there, thankfully asleep.

I silently opened the window of her room. Thank God it was not locked, otherwise we would have came here for nothing. As I pushed open the window wider, the cool night air blew inside the room and the sleeping bitch stirred a little.

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