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Between the world and love, choose love.❞

It has begun to feel like a normal routine when Ethan slid into my bed, drunk again.

Now I didn't bother to lock my door.

When I turned my body so I could face him, he was already looking at me with tired and droopy eyes. It must have been because of his inebriated state that he was feeling sleepy but he still struggled to keep his eyes open.

"I miss you." He whispered and my heart clenched in my chest.

I turned back to my original position so my back was facing him. It was too painful to even look at him.

I kept my eyes on the digital clock on my nightstand, awaiting sleep to take over me. Five minutes passed and still no sleep found me.

I could feel Ethan shift from time to time, probably trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in and maybe that disturbance was what was keeping me awake.

Five minutes turned to fifteen and then to thirty until I noticed that an hour and half had passed by and I was still staring at the clock or in the darkness the whole time.

"Juliet, are you asleep?" His small whisper in utter silence almost startled me because I thought he was sleeping deeply.

I didn't reply, pretty sure that he would fall asleep again.

I felt him shift again but this time I felt the space next to me dip and my covers lift up slightly as he slid into it quietly. His arm wrapped around me and he pulled me back until my back was pressed to his front until we looked like two spoons in a stack. His nose grazed the nape of my neck and I could feel him relax into me. I did not pull back.

For some reason, I fell asleep right after that.

When my eyes opened due to the invading morning light streaming in through the windows the next day, my mind registered that Ethan and I had changed positions in our sleep and now were practically hugging each other. I had my head on his shoulder and my arm around his waist and he had his arms around me.

Quietly sliding out from under his hold, I went into the bathroom to freshen up and have a long shower.

When I was done and ready and walked out of my room, Ethan had already left because as soon as I opened my bathroom door, I heard my room door shut loudly and footsteps in the hallway, most probably Ethan returning back to his room.

I made my way down for breakfast and greeted my parents good morning like usual.

They must have noticed my somber mood because they questioned about it and asked if I was unwell and I told them that it wasn't that and I just couldn't fall asleep last night.

Olivia didn't appear for breakfast and when I asked Samara she told me that she wanted breakfast later after everyone had had theirs, and that too in her room. I knew she was avoiding me. She didn't want to talk to me and now she didn't even want to see my face.

The least I deserved was to know the reason for this and yet she refused to give me any sort of explanation. I couldn't help but feel like I had lost my friend and I wouldn't get her back, at least not while I was here.

After breakfast, I was just watching TV aimlessly when I heard a car pull up in the driveway. After a few seconds Heather walked in through the door.

I was surprised to see her because I had only just seen her last night. She walked straight towards me and I wondered if she had nothing better to do other than come here and tell me how undeserving I was of Ethan.

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