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Your kisses make me feel like I would've touched the moon.❞

I staggered back in shock but he matched my steps and pressed closer to me while wrapping an arm around my waist to support my jelly legs.

My back touched my room door as he continued to kiss me fervently. My thoughts were a jumbled mess. One moment I was so agitated about Keith quitting his job and then they were quickly replaced with thoughts of how good it felt to be this close to Ethan. His soft and warm lips were moving against mine as if he was in a hurry. He was probably waiting for me to push him off and wanted to make the most of this moment before it ended. He wasn't even pausing to breathe and I wasn't even doing anything. I was just pressed against the door with my arms raised to my sides in surprise and my eyes wide.

My initial instinct was to push him off and tell myself that it never happened until I believe it but there was this force which wasn't making it happen. It was so strong, I couldn't do anything for a long time except stand there like a statue as his lips moved at a fast pace all over mine until there wasn't any part of my lips which were untouched by his and yet he still didn't stop. My surprise wore off after a few minutes and I surrendered. My shoulders relaxed as I closed my eyes.

Just this once. I'd allow myself the pleasure of this moment which I'd never get again. It was so much more than a mere kiss, I realized after I closed my eyes and felt the weight of his feelings in it. It was us communicating about how strong our feelings had become for each other. What I said earlier was a lie. I didn't hate him. I liked him so much. All the ignoring I had done about my feelings for him had only resulted in it getting bigger and gaining so much strength that it was capable to knock me off my feet if it wasn't for Ethan who was holding me to him.

Our feelings were so powerful that it had made me back up against the door and had taken control tonight. I didn't even resist as the force flooded my mind.

I wrapped my arms around his neck with my hands in his hair, tugging at its ends.

And then I finally responded to him, assuring him in the kiss that I didn't hate him.

Deep down I had always craved for this sort of connection with him. I'd even fantasized about how it would feel if we did kiss. And now that it was happening, it was so much better than how I had imagined it.

I blocked out all the thoughts and worries and focused on him, the sensations he gave me, the shiver that ran through my body when his hand bunched up my hair at the back of my head and then travelled down to wrap both his arms around my waist and pull me closer until there wasn't any space left.

When he realized I wasn't going to push him away and was actually kissing him back softly, his urgent kiss slowed down to a soft and passionate one.

We were in perfect synchronicity and pace. Our lips were hot against each other and our fingertips running on each other's bodies left imaginary trails which could only be felt.

We were kissing for a long time but when we finally pulled away to breathe after what seemed like an eternity, I opened my eyes hesitantly and saw...Heather in front of me. She was crying. She looked heartbroken and equally angry. She was screaming at me but I couldn't hear her.

I felt two hands caress my face and I blinked and she was gone. I was looking into a pair of warm chocolate brown spellbinding eyes that were staring at me with adoration and so much more.

It was Ethan in front of me with a big smile on his face and then he brought his face closer to mine and I realized he was going in for another kiss.

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