A Wolf's Temper

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Laced with the familiarity of where his mother generally put up any guests that came to Kattegat, Ubbe thumbed over only a few halls before finding the cold cobblestone corridor he wanted. Lithe on his feet Ubbe could barely be heard padding down the empty row of doors. Each one clasped shut with heavy black iron latches that worked from both sides. As custom in Kattegat his mother never kept a room unlocked unless it was to be occupied. The rule of closed doors making sure the Queen didn't worry about where snoopy slaves ended up or her own rambunctious sons may wander to against her wishes.

On each door knob it was simple to indicate which had been unlatched or not. A simple rod of iron on the door's contraption would be turned up if the master key had unlocked it. Or stay horizontal if Aslaug had it locked tight for tidiness. By and by Ubbe found what room he was looking for only a half a dozen doors down on the left side.

Nearing the door, Ubbe's general confidence dithered uncharacteristically. Glancing down at the rolls in his hand, then up to scan the empty hall, the eldest son took a step back recanting his actions or what even brought him down here. Swallowed by previous thoughts wandering down the halls, Ubbe teetered the entire way but now finding himself standing before what he assumed was Eleri's door, he halted like his indecisive cement had dried rooting him in place.

Mixing his assertion, that she was indeed a guest in his mother's home, as well as his own. Ubbe found his thoughts tainted with something a lot less familiar to the man. Laid out generally it was one step to the next with a clear outcome. Indefinitely true when dealing with his brothers who, even though they resented it, patterned out to a pin point with their behaviors. Even his mother, Aslaug, was easy to predict the outcome of her reactions and emotions. Logically Ubbe should be astute to the varagain's personality and reactions since she was a woman and Ubbe ordinarily found himself well off talking his way with the opposite sex.

Rationale ruled that Ubbe would knock, Eleri would come to answer and normal conversation would fall into place between two individuals. Trusting in the logic Ubbe's heavy feet did not move as he reached with his empty hand and wrapped his knuckles against the wooden frame.


Classic perhaps he didn't knock hard enough, "Eleri?" Ubbe hailed her with another conk on the door and he shifted his weight from one foot to the other not liking the outcome so far.


About to wrap his knuckles against the wood's grain again, Ubbe deferred from it. In lieu of it he dropped his hand to the cold metal latch. Better judgement aside Ubbe leaned into the door and realized it was unlocked. The plunger of the locking mechanism gave way and hefted up, a bit of a loud thunk but the door gave way as it was freed and open.

Stopped on before the door swung open, Ubbe was scornful of waltzing right in but then again this could just be another game.

'She's probably sitting on the bed, arms crossed with the smug look on her face ready with a snarky remark,' pondering this new outcome from the last one, Ubbe now trying to follow what logic he had in Eleri's since reflecting about her snide personality. Either she wasn't in there at all or she was waiting to pop off with something he didn't want to hear.

A toss of the dice as Ubbe pushed opened the door. Holding his rolls close to his body recalling the food was half the reason he'd pursued her in the first place. With a long stride in Ubbe passed the doorway before he registered that Eleri wasn't in front of him at all. So she wasn't there-


Whirling around Ubbe heard the door slam shut before he could react. A thump and a latch sealed the eldest in the vacant room. Struggling a moment Ubbe jerked as he almost dropped the rolls.

A Ballot of the Wolf and Merc | Ubbe Ragnarsson FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now