A Second Son's Sendoff

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The second to oldest son gaze cast out at the vastness that was Kattegat. Buildings falling all the way back further than the eye could see.


Sorrel eyes through out past the figures of family standing on the pier.


Jerking around the viking finally came to the attention of his name being called loudly by his half brother perched on the edge of the ready to sail boat. Knowing he finally got his attention Bjørn gave a small shake of his head knowing what his brother was looking for wasn't there, "We leave in ten. No more waiting." Bjørn instructed, the last extension he was given to their departure.

Lined up with somber expressions on their face, Aslaug and her remaining youngest and oldest waited for Hvitserk's leave. Aslaug still forlorn over Ivar's egress in the morning. The mother was still sadden to have two of her birds leaving the nest all at once. Even this one having been planned it didn't make it any easier on a mother.

Ubbe saw his brother shift anxious for more than just the trip. Stepping away from their mother and brother, Ubbe came beside Hvitserk. Clasping his hand on his younger's shoulder Ubbe could only offer a mitigating look of contempt, "She'll come. If not she'll be here when you get back brother."

Disgruntled over the absence of the varagain, even at her words promise, Hvitserk's light blond mustache dipped down in a shallow frown, "You and I both know she won't."

"Quiet, she's not that cold," Ubbe brushed away his brother concern.

"She'll follow Ivar and Father," indifferent about Ubbe's words Hvitserk only shook his head, "You and I both know that."

Mindful of the tasks underhandedly being sought after by the southerner, Ubbe still found himself buoyant of Eleri's residence longer in Kattegat, "She will see you off, she still honors her wor-"

"I'm here! I'm here don't board just yet! I'm here!" Cloak flapping erratically behind her shoulders while Eleri bolted down the dock. Careening towards the small gathering at the hull of Bjørn's ship.

Unforeseen by Aslaug to see her varagain tearing down the pier only meant the Queen stepped aside with a curious look on at the woman. Huffing and red cheeks sucking in bellows of air Eleri did her best to stop without a single skid on the damp marina boards. Entirely successful except the small trip up she had into Ubbe. The oldest knee jerk reaction to grab the clumsy woman's arm.

Gulping down lungs full of air only did so much for the woman as she brushed Ubbe away wordlessly and bent over trying to gather herself, "I- I'm here-- Don't-- Don't worry I told you-- Aha- I told you I would- Phew- I would come-"

"Cutting it a bit close with imaginary chores aren't you?" Ubbe tossing a lopsided grin over at his companions rosy cheeks. Even taking long drags in Eleri glared over at Ubbe as she tried to straighten up and present herself rightfully.

Less sarcastic than his brother Hvitserk for once didn't give his two cents. Only smiling across at the woman who'd kept her word, "I'm glad you came."

Straightening up and finding her center once more. Eleri flicked a tongue over her lips to wet the pour chapped duo before smiling softly at him, "I am thief, not a liar."

"I never said you were a liar," Hvitserk grinning from big ear to big ear stepped forward and wrapped his arms around the welcoming woman.

"You never denied it when Ivar said it either," Eleri responded with a tight hug and a sardonic reply.

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