You're Sleeping With Her Aren't You?

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Lauren's PoV

Austin watched us walk in with our fingers laced together. I didn't let go of Camila's hand though until we sat down at the booth. "Sorry, Camila was outside talking with Sofi."

"Sofi?" Austin looked around. "She's here?"

Camila nodded and shrugged her coat off. "She's with Sammy around here somewhere."

Austin looked back at Camila and then at me. His eyebrows knitted together as he frowned. "Isn't that your shirt Mila? Weren't you wearing that earlier today?"

He was a bright one, I tell you.

"I was cold and Lauren offered to switch shirts." Camila calmly said and started to eat her slice of pizza.

"I'm sorry Mila, for the way I acted earlier. I know I can be an ass." Austin leaned towards his girlfriend, looking for a kiss. Camila looked at him and shook her head.

"Don't even think that I'm about to kiss you after the way you acted." She bit her lip and took a deep breath. "You don't have to make a scene everywhere we go, Austin. I'm here with you, aren't I?"

"Okay well, I have a suggestion," Normani broke into the heated gazes between Camila and Austin, "since talking obviously isn't going to work and I'd hate to leave you two alone to rip each others throats out," she took a sip of her drink and looked at me, "I say we all blow this joint and head into the city, go for a night of dancing at Huckles, who's in?"

Camila's head shot up and she grinned. "I'm in!"

"I thought you were tired?" Austin raised an eyebrow.

"Come or stay, we're going to Huckles." My girlfriend shrugged and sipped on her Dr. Pepper.

"Awesome." Normani grinned and put her arm around my shoulder. I looked at Camila who shot daggers at my 'date'. "So, let's eat and get the show on the road."

"Lauren can drive your vehicle with Normani, Mila," Austin chewed on his bottom lip, "you can come with me? I think we should talk."

Camila shook her head. "Nothing to talk about and it's not that I don't trust Lauren with my vehicle, but my parents pay for the insurance and if there's an accident, I'd be screwed."

"Then she can take mine and I'll drive with you." He was persistent.

Camila looked at me with a slight eye roll and sighed heavily. "Fine, but I'm not listening to your crappy music."

Austin grinned and mirrored Normani's actions, slipping an arm around Camila's shoulders. He was given a dirty look by the brunette and immediately shrunk back in his seat with his hands in his lap.

I smirked.

- - - -

"Camila's pretty hot," Normani voiced as we pulled up to the club. She laughed at my raised eyebrow, "what? I know you think so."

"Not denying it but if you're trying to score points with me, you're failing miserably." I grinned cheekily.

"Is it because I'm hitting on your girl or because I'm not paying enough attention to you?" She drew her lips into a fine smile and winked. I stared blankly at her. Seriously, how did she know that Camila and I were together?

"I'm not with Camila." I frowned slightly.

"Oh, well then you like her, right?" Normani asked.

"Why deny it now? Everyone knows!" I flew my hands in the air before slamming them back down on the steering wheel.

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