Not The Only Guilty One

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Lauren's PoV

She parked around the small corner and pulled me in for another heated kiss. Her lips were so soft and inviting, it was hard to pull away from them once I was reeled in. The final nip on my bottom lip told me the weekend had officially come to an end. Her chocolate eyes sparked like they always did and she whispered sweet words in my ear.

"Drive safe, okay?" I stepped out of her beloved CRV and pecked her lips one more time. "It's icy out and I don't need you broken."

Camila grinned and kissed me one last time. "I'll be dreaming of you Jauregui."

"You better be," I smirked, "I love you."

"I love you too." I breathed and closed the door, watching her slowly turn back onto the road. I shoved my gloved hands in my jacket pockets and turned around, slowly making my way with my bag, to the front of the house. I sighed when I saw Austin's vehicle in view. "Great," I muttered and made my way inside the warm house.

"Lauren, you're home just in time!" I wasn't even in the door with two feet before my Aunt Greta dragged me into the living room where there stood a seven foot bare tree. "We're going to decorate it. Austin tried getting a hold of Camila, but she wasn't answering her phone. How'd you get home?"

With all the lip lock, we didn't even hear the phone. Or we just didn't care enough to pay attention closely. "Camila, she must've forgotten her cell at home when she drove me home."


Aunt Greta nodded and allowed me to take off my winter jacket and place my things upstairs in my room.

"How did her games go?" Austin asked me from the door way.

I was startled and slammed my dresser drawer shut. "Oh, um, good, great... they won them all." I turned around to look at him. He had shaved that ugly scruff Camila always complained about and he was a bit thinner. "How'd your game go?" I asked casually, trying to avoid any conflict.

"Other team forfeited yesterday's game so I was home last night," he shrugged and moved into my room, sitting on the edge of the bed. I watched as his eyes darted around the room. "Came home to find out that you took off with my girlfriend-"

"Grow up, Austin," I spat and stood right in front of him, "Camila's a big girl, she can choose who she wants to hang out with."

"She knows, you know," he looked at me, standing up, "I told her how you felt about her. She's just too nice to do anything else."

"Yea?" I raised an eyebrow and shoved him out of my bedroom. "Then why did she invite me to join her this weekend? Camila's popular at school Aus, she has other friends, so why me?" I couldn't believe I had said that to him but it was too late to take it back. "So she knows I'm in love with her, but what you're failing to realize is that she is a big girl and will choose who she wants to hang out with. Just because I'm her first choice, it doesn't mean anything."

"You're her second choice, Lauren," he snapped, "her and Kyla aren't talking at the moment but if they were, it would've been her that accompanied Camila, not you."

"Get out." I said calmly and shut the door on his face. I leaned back against the door and closed my eyes, taking deep breathes to calm myself.

Camila was breaking up with the guy the following day and though I was more than happy, I knew he'd take it out on me. I admitted that I was in love with the girl. I never did back away after telling him I would. She ignored him and he had every right to look at me as if it were my fault. I was also honest to him as well, Camila was a big girl. She chose to be with me and I wasn't going to let Austin ruin that. I'd take whatever he had coming to me.

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