The Key To Life Is

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Sofi's PoV

"I know it's not much but," I shrugged and pouted at my girlfriend. Her blue eyes sparkled and she held the CD to her chest.

"Shush," she whispered and leaned in to kiss me softly before pulling back and grinning while looking at the CD in awe, "I love it Sofi."

"You haven't even heard what's on there yet," I smirked and leaned against my locker, staring at her adorable gaze.

"Doesn't matter, you made it for me and I'm sure whatever songs you chose, I'll love." Sammy placed the case in her shoulder bag. "Close your eyes," she smiled and I opened them wider. "Sofi, close them!"

I pouted. " Fine," I sighed and grinned as I felt a velvet box be placed in my hand. I swallowed. Shit. "Sam?"

"Open them," Sammy bit her lip nervously as she looked from the box to my eyes. "You can either open it now, or you can wait until later."

"Wait until later?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Mila filled me in on the help she needs to set things up tonight so I figured after we were done helping her, I can take you to China Town in the city. I'm hoping you say yes because I sort of, kind of, already made reservations." Sammy blushed and I chuckled.

"Of course I'm going to say yes," I whispered and cupped her face to kiss her briefly. Even though we were out, Sammy still had a little issue with PDA but a little kiss wouldn't hurt her. I examined the box in my hand and pressed my lips together slightly, "this better not be something fancy because I just made you a CD, not exactly romantic."

"Oh baby," Sammy cooed and laced her fingers with mine as she started walking me to my class. "Just having you with me is more than a Valentine gift."

I blushed slightly. "Still, nothing fancy in this box, got it?" I shook it and she grabbed it from me, placing it back in her shoulder bag. "Hey!" I pouted.

Sammy just shook her head and smiled at me. "You'll get it later tonight."

I watched her walk away and I grinned. I had a Valentine. I had a date for Valentine's.


I went to class and nearly fell asleep with a guest speaker talk about something or other. I wasn't really paying attention. Finally it was time for lunch.

I spotted the gang at our usual spot in the cafeteria and plopped my ass down beside Sammy, kissing her on the cheek quickly. "I think I flunked that pop quiz."

"Sofi," Camila groaned, "you always say that every time you sit down."

I stuck out my tongue and cleared my throat. "I'm serious, I spaced on my own name!"

"How the hell do you space on your own name?" Lauren quirked an eyebrow and thought about it briefly. "Yea, no I still can't figure that one out."

"It's Sofi," Camila chuckled, "she should've been a blonde."

"Ha," I rolled my eyes and dug out a red lollipop from my bag and stuck it in my mouth. I watched four pairs of eyes looked at me. "What?"

"Seriously? Did you just stick a lollipop in your mouth without even asking us if we want one?" Camila looked serious.

"I only have the one!" I said in defence and dumped out the contents of my bag, in which a CD fell out from it. Before I could grab it, Lauren swiped the damn thing.

"What's this?" She read the label and squinted, tilting her head to read the label even closer.

Camila's eyes widened and looked at me. "Did you steal that out of my vehicle?" She hissed.

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