And We All Fall Down

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Lauren's PoV

"Have I mentioned how fucking hot you are when you're aggressive?" I mumbled hotly into her mouth, stumbling up the stairs. We couldn't keep our hands off each other when we got into the cab. Camila's knee to Mendes's groin turned me on and the fact that she flipped Normani off gave me hot shivers. Every action that Camila had done that night made me ache with want.

"Fuck." She groaned when I ripped off her alcohol soaked shirt, holding it tight in my fist as she struggled to pull back so she could take another step. I was hot. I was needy. I really wanted to take Camila.

We finally managed to get to my bedroom but I found myself pressed up against the wall beside it, her mouth hot on my neck. I let out a groan and clenched my teeth together as I felt a jolt of electricity run down the spine and straight to my throbbing center. "Camila," I hissed as she moved lower, my own shirt bunched up in her hands above my chest as her mouth was immediately on my breasts. Her tongue flicked my hardened nipple and I moaned, arching into her.

My hands gripped the back of her neck as I forced her head up to kiss me hard. I pushed her backwards and swung her around so we'd stumble into my bedroom where I kicked the door shut with my foot.

The house was quiet and dark. Everyone was sleeping. It was late. Or early.

Camila shoved me on my bed and straddled me, her mouth back on mine. Her tongue darted in and out deliciously, just enough to tease mine and get me worked up even more. I could taste the bitterness of the beer we were drinking all night. I could smell the nicotine that had lingered around the party; but when I sucked on her tongue, the deeper and harder I sucked, all I could taste was Camila.

In a frenzy, we had our clothes tossed to the floor and in a heated mess on my bed. My lips were everywhere on her. I nipped at the most sensitive spots on her skin, my tongue tracing every quivering muscle. Her hands were hot on my back as I hovered over her, melting our mouths together as I ran my fingers through her wet slit. She groaned loudly into my mouth and her hips jolted upwards, causing my hips to grind back down.


Camila Horny Cabello, was more like it.

"Don't tease," she whimpered as I stroked between her silky lips, my thumb pressing against her swollen clit. "Fuck Lauren!" Her fists pounded the mattress in frustration. I grinned into the kiss and played even slower. I bit her bottom lip and I felt her whole body shudder. I flicked my tongue across her full lush bottom lip and she groaned. Just as I pressed two fingers against her wetness, I felt my body tumble over and I was flat on my back. "Fuck me. Now." She growled, she demanded. Her mouth was pressed against my ear as she breathed harshly, heavy with undeniable need as I felt her drip.

"Cami-la!" I cried out quietly as her hips ground hard against my trapped hand. She was so wet and turned on. I thrust my hips upwards and just as she lifted up slightly, I turned my hand around and cupped her in the same spot I was in before she flipped me over. My fingers had a mind of their own as they slid deep inside Camila, earning a louder groan. Fuck.

Loud sex was the best.

Loud drunken sex with Camila was the best.

But somehow loud drunken sex with Camila under the roof of my house with my family on the same floor, didn't seem to be the best.

We were both too far gone to care.

I started a hard thrust with my hand and held onto her lower back, assisting her hip movements.

"Oh Fu-" Camila's hips started a hard pace, her face in the crook of my neck as she rocked back and forth, swallowing my fingers, the muscles clenching and pulling my digits further. Her hands were on either side of my head, her arms stretched out completely, giving me access to her breasts.

Think Again (Camren)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora