The Cabellos Don't Do Dresses

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Lauren's PoV

"You have to go Camila!" Madison said, looking at the brunette across from her. "It's the Winter Formal!"

Camila shook her head and smiled softly. "Why? I hate dressing up."

"Lauren!" Madison looked at me and nodded her head towards the brunette. "Have you not asked her yet?" She hissed and Camila laughed.

"Madi," Trixie laughed and laced her fingers with the Latina girl briefly, "leave 'em alone."

It was our first double date with Trixie and Madison. It was a week after the disastrous break up between Camila and Austin and it was the third time out of that long week I was seeing my girlfriend. She managed to turn me down a couple of times to hang out with Kyla. I couldn't get mad because I knew how much she missed the brunette. It gave me time to try and patch things up between Austin and I. Granted, I wasn't honest with him about Camila, but it still felt good knowing that we had some sense of normalcy between us.

The team's party over the weekend was cancelled because the house they were going to throw it at went up in flames. Luckily no one was home.

The school's Winter Formal was that upcoming Friday and it was also the beginning of a two week vacation – a week of which I was informed that I'd be going back home because my parents decided to grow some and spend Christmas with me. I tried to convince them to come here instead but they wanted a 'family' affair. I was almost certain it was for social show. It'd suck because that'd be a week without Camila.

"I was going too," I blushed and looked at my brunette beauty, "would you go with me? I mean, obviously we can't go together but I'd still know you were my date?"

Camila giggled and put her head down, biting her lip. "Well since you put it that way," she looked at me and nodded, "I'd love too."

"Aww, you two are so cute together!" Madison clapped her hands together.

"Got room for two more?" Sofi and Sammy came up to our table and we all nodded, squishing in the booth together. "So what's up?" The young Cabello asked.

"Lauren asked Camila to the Winter Formal," Madison grinned, "You two going with anyone?"

Oh yea. Sammy and Sofi weren't out to anyone but Camila and myself.

"Uh," Sammy shook her head quickly, "I don't do dances."

"Yea," Sofi agreed, "drama always rears its ugly head at one of those things. Break ups, friendships go awry, crying, yelling... blah."

I laughed because it was so true. Sofi was smart. But I wanted to see Camila smile so I wanted to go. She wouldn't admit it, but she loved to be the social butterfly.

"We should all just go together!" Trixie grinned. "Madi and I could pick you two up and we can all just go as a group."

"Well I want to go if you do it that way!" Sofi pouted and I laughed, ruffling her hair. "Ugh! Why do you and Camila do that?"

"Cause you're hot when you're flustered," I winked and she rolled her eyes. "Well come with us then!"

Sofi turned looked across from her at Sammy, "do you want to go?"

Sammy blushed profusely as all eyes were on her. She hated attention but nodded her head. "Sure," she whispered.

"Good!" Sofi squirmed happily in her seat and couldn't stop smiling.

"Oh, we should hit the mall," Madison smiled, "Formal is in two days and I need to find the perfect dress." She tugged on her girlfriend's arm, "please?"

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