A Hope To Be Held

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Camila's PoV

Normani sat across from me in the locker room, her eyes slowly dragging up my slumped body and then she knelt down in front of me. "Are you okay?"

"Peachy." I muttered through tears and gasps.

"Camila," she sighed my name and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before working the laces on my skates, "what happened?"

"I'm single." I whispered and hung my head.

"What?" Normani shook her head and frowned, not believing me. "Did you just say you were single?"


"I don't like this side of you," Normani bit her lip and slid a skate off, working on the other one, "you're monotone."


"So, it's freaky." She chuckled and helped me up on my wobbly legs. "How the hell are you single? You were just engaged five minutes ag-" She stopped when she noticed the ring was no longer occupying my finger. "Jesus Mila," she pulled me into a hug and I couldn't help but let the tears fall over and over again. "Want me to beat her up?"

"No," I let out a small smile before walking towards the stall and grabbing tissue to blow my nose, "God this hurts so much."

Normani nodded and swallowed. "I had my heart broken once," she shrugged her shoulders, "my first girlfriend promised me the world and the moment I let my guard down, she was in bed with my cousin."

"Ugh," I started to cry again. Too close to home.

"I'm sorry Mila," she apologized and rubbed my back, "want me to drive you home? I don't think you should be driving."

"I'll be okay." I closed my eyes tightly and licked my lips, crumpling back down to the floor. "I just need a minute alone."

Normani nodded and grabbed her bag. "I'll be outside by the car if you need me."

I buried my face in my hands and allowed my body to convulse from the painful tears that racked my body. Couldn't Lauren have found a better solution? Why was loving someone so hard?

Love was not enough.

I hated that phrase but I knew it was true now, at least.

Is love enough?

God, I was so in love with Lauren, I didn't think I could ever move on.

* * *

I locked myself in my room after Normani had dropped me off. Kyla and Austin offered to grab my CRV after they finished their family dinner.

I sat alone in the dark with my window open, hoping that Lauren would just climb through it and tell me it was a mistake. She made a mistake and we could work it out.

I stared at my alarm clock. 8:29pm. It wasn't that dark out but the sun was starting to set and I could hear the kids playing softball at the park down the street. I remembered those days. So innocent, free and safe from the heart break.

"Mila?" I heard my dad knock on the door and he waited for my answer. "Kind of dark, don't you think?"

My family didn't know about the break up yet.

"Fits." I shrugged.

"Okay," he laughed a little and sat down on the bed next to me, placing my cell phone on my desk. "Why didn't you feel like joining us for dinner?"

"I'm not hungry." I looked in his wise grey eyes and felt a little bad. My dad was one of the best parts about being a Cabello. He was my greatest inspiration and to have him check up on me meant the world. "What did you make?"

Think Again (Camren)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora