You Can Run, But You Can't Hide

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Lauren's PoV

Oh fuck.

Please tell me Vero did not just say that in front of Camila. Please.

"Besides," Vero continued, "you're already all over this pretty brunette, I'm sure you'd like to take her for a test drive. Your pretty little girlfriend wouldn't even know."

I watched Camila's ears turn slightly red along with the flush that crawled upon her cheeks. Her eyes narrowed and she stepped forward. "I'd watch it if I were you."

"Oh, why?" Vero wasn't one to back down from a fight, especially if she had alcohol in her system.

"Cause Lauren's pretty little girlfriend is about to punch in your pretty little face if you don't shut the fuck up." Camila seethed and cracked her knuckles for emphasis. She shoved Vero so hard that the brunette went stumbling back on the couch, a little dazed.

"Camz," I grabbed her elbow and shot Vero a dirty look.

"Camila? The Camila?" Vero laughed, brushing herself off and raised an eyebrow and looked at me with an impressed look. "Wow," she breathed, "finally nice to meet the one chick who can actually keep the leash tight around our Lauren's neck, even if you were thousands of miles away."

"Yea," Alexa came up and nodded towards Ally, "this one had her for a year and Lauren still went out and got laid by a different woman every weekend."

I felt my heart beat wildly in my chest; in fear that Camila would finally run after being met face to face with my past. I couldn't lose her.

"You'd be wise to keep your mouth shut," my brunette seethed again, turning to Alexa. Then she looked at me, "these two are seriously your best friends?" She raised an eyebrow, shaking her head.

"Best and finest," Vero laughed and dared to step closer to Camila again, this time cracking her own knuckles. "And who the fuck gives you the right to come into this home and push me around?"

"I do." Camila sneered. "Who the hell gives you the right to treat your 'so called' best friend, like a whore? Seriously, do you have that big of a complex that you feel the need to tear down someone who's actually trying to change her life around for the better?"

Wow. I blinked. Camila was defending me. Not that it really surprised me, I guess I didn't expect her to try and defend with words so as much as she would try with her fists.

"Please Camila," Alexa laughed slightly, "she's living in a new town, with new people and experiencing new things," she mocked, "but she'll burn you. She will. You'll find out the hard way," she glanced at Ally, "we all found out the hard way."

"Give it a rest," I finally stepped in and tugged at my hair. It was all getting to be so much. "I can't change who I was, I get that. And I've apologized to Ally, so leave her out of this."

"Davies, you know you love us just as much as you love sleeping around." Vero smiled at me and it made me sick to my stomach. Why was I friends with them again?

"Then I guess I hate you," I spat. I hated who I was, I hated the fact that I slept around. That I couldn't wait to share that one special moment with someone I truly loved and cared about.

Camila smirked and looked between Alexa and Vero. She then looked at the brunette who had been more than quiet standing by the lamp. "So, you're Ally?" I saw her eyes squint a little, studying the other brunette a little deeper. "Finally nice to meet you," she held her hand out and a surprised Ally shook it.

Awkward moment.

"She, uh," Ally cleared her throat, "she talked about me?"

"Just that you were amazing and she was sorry she hurt you," Camila shrugged and looked back at me and the others. "I really didn't mean to interrupt your party Lo, I just," she sighed heavily and ran a hand through her hair, "this was stupid of me."

Think Again (Camren)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora