Plum Crazy Purple

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Sofia's PoV

I swung my legs on the end of the stage and looked around at all the people setting up for the first parts of auditions for the school's year-end musical. I looked at the script in my hands and rolled my eyes.

"Not backing out, are you?" Sammy sat beside me and placed an apple in my lap. I smiled back at her gratefully, taking a bite of the fruit.

"I don't understand why you need me," I sighed and placed the script beside me, "you know I don't do public things like this."

"Please Sofia," she smirked and brushed a few strands of hair from her eyes as she looked out as more people piled in, "this part was written for you."

"Right," I laughed and rubbed my head, "I don't think being in a play is the thing for me, let alone singing in front of the whole student body plus parents." Just the thought about it made my palms sweat.

"I'm not forcing you." Sammy bumped my shoulder with hers and raised a playful eyebrow. "I'm just saying that you'd be perfect for this because you can really sing, you can really dance and you can really kiss."

I smirked and blushed a little before going back to freaking out about the musical.

Yes, the part I was going to audition for, was the lead role. Young woman goes looking for her dreams to sing and dance and well, you know, falls in love. Something I haven't even done yet, so I wouldn't know how to act in love.

I looked at my best friend – Samantha Taylor. She was everything I ever wanted and then some, yet I wasn't there with her. She was the only one who could make me smile and cry at the same time yet hold me close and make me safe.

My other best friend, Lauren Jauregui, was prancing around Canada with my sister and the hockey team. I was stuck at school getting shoved into plays I wasn't so fond of. Lauren would've been right there encouraging Sammy though and knowing that Lauren was encouraging, means I would've done the audition anyway.

For Sammy, I would give it my best. I wouldn't fail just because I was scared.

I'd do anything for her.

"Besides," she spoke as I followed her eyes towards our brunette friend walking towards us, "you wouldn't want to let down Lindley, would you?"

"Ladies," Lindley bowed her head. "I can't believe you got Cabello to audition." The brunette looked at Sammy and laughed.

Sammy shrugged and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, holding me tight against her. "I have my persuasive ways," she held up the green apple she brought me, "apples and poutine for a week."

Lindley laughed and her eyes lingered on Sammy's for longer than five seconds as I stood in the middle of their silence. I smirked and rubbed my hands together. "Okay then," I broke their contact and chuckled mainly to myself, "I'm just going to go and reread my lines."

"Oh," Lind cleared her throat and passed me a guitar pick, "I'll need to hear you sing first."

I gasped. I needed time to prepare for a singing audition. "What?"

"Yea," Lindley laughed and bit her lip, "I want someone with a good voice and even though I trust Sam's judgement on your talented voice, I want to be able to hear it myself."

I glared at Sammy and sighed. She smiled and shrugged.

"You owe me." I whispered as I walked passed her to grab the guitar sitting by the stool.

She so owed me.

* * *

Camila's PoV

"Whaaaaaaaat about this one?" I pointed at a small craft store on Main Street of Kenora.

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