I Was Lost But Now I Am Found

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Lauren's PoV

"Thank you Mrs. Mahone," I heard Camila from downstairs. I quickly checked myself in the mirror one last time. I always wanted to look good for Camila.

"Lauren! You're Valentine is here!" Aunt Greta yelled from the bottom stair.

"One minute!" I yelled back and grabbed my black tight fitting sweater, pulling it over my black wife beater. Camila told me to dress casual and slightly warm but not to ask any questions. Nice instructions.

I felt satisfied in my choice of clothing, black sweater and blue jeans. Pretty casual yet the jeans were the ones Camila liked me in. Tight fit.

"You clean up very well Miss Jauregui," Camila grinned as she watched me walk down the stairs shyly. She had that affect on me. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, she grabbed my hand and kissed it, "you look beautiful."

I smiled and bit my lip, blushing even redder. Aunt Greta was standing right beside her and yet it didn't hold Camila back from showing a side of herself only I saw. To tell you the truth, it made me feel good knowing that Camila was comfortable enough to be herself considering everything that was recently spilled out to everyone.

"I don't expect you two to be out too late," Aunt Greta smiled warmly, "it is a school night after all."

"I'll have her back by 11:00pm, Mrs. Mahone," Camila promised.

"No later than 11:30pm," Aunt Greta corrected and grabbed my coat, "not exactly fair giving Austin that time and not you."

"Thank you," I said gratefully and took Camila's hand while kissing my Aunt on the cheek, "have fun with Uncle Vic."

"Bah," she waved her hand, "he's too old to realize what holiday it is, but you two enjoy yourselves."

Camila and I nodded, walking out hand in hand. "Wow, she's coming around." She smiled as she opened the door for me.

"She's trying," I shrugged and watched Camila walk around to her side of the vehicle, "I think she's still grasping it all though."

"I understand," Camila snickered softly, "her son's ex girlfriend is now dating her niece. I can imagine."

"So are you still checking in with your coach?" I asked, my hand finding home on her thigh.

"It'll only take a minute," Camila looked at me and smiled a gorgeous smile, "did you want to come in with me? It'll be warmer."

I nodded and looked out my window, watching the trees and houses go by us. "It's such a beautiful place here," I admitted quietly, "peaceful and home of one gorgeous brunette."

A smile twitched at her lips and I could tell she was blushing. We drove in silence the rest of the way to the arena, parking in front. The place looked like it was closed or that there were no games at that point. "Are you sure he's here, Camz?"

We walked to the doors and they were unlocked. "He's here, trust me." We got to the front lobby and Camila turned around to look at me, pulling something from her coat pocket. "Do you trust me?" She whispered, stepping behind me. I could only nod as she kissed the back of my neck, behind my ear, before the material of silk wrapped around me eyes.

Okaaay... I wasn't catching on.

"Baby?" I pressed the material against my eyes while she turned me around, I think she was waving fingers in front to see if I could see. No, I couldn't see a damn thing. "What's going on?"

"Take my hand," she said softly, sliding her hand into mine, tugging me forward slightly. The sound of a door opening caught my attention and then the familiar smell of the arena caught my attention.

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