Friendly Is Your Middle Name

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Sofia's PoV

"So, tell me, why is a beauty like you sitting all alone in this dark corner of the arcade?" A glass of coke was pushed gently in front of me.

I looked up and blinked as a familiar face peered at me from behind her dark hair. I scowled and pushed away the coke she slid over to me. "No thank you."

"Oh come on, just because your sister and her girlfriend hate me, it doesn't mean we can't be friends." She smiled and slid in next to me but kept her distance.

"I don't even know you," I looked past her and watched my sister beat Austin's ass at DDR while Lauren and Sammy occupied the other DDR, kicking ass.

"Sure you do," she murmured, "I'm sure your sister hates me and always points me out whenever she sees me."

I rolled my eyes and looked at the grey eyes that were connected with mine. "Normani Kordei, I know who you are I just don't know you personally. Camila's not the biggest fan but she hasn't said much to me as far as anything bad goes."

The way her eyebrows shot up made me think I had said the wrong thing. It was only wrong because if that made Normani happy, it meant that my sister was putting up a strong front with her and I pretty much screwed that up.

Nice one, Sofi.

"Can you just forget I said that last part?" I raised an eyebrow and she smirked, pushing the coke towards me again.

"Sure," she shrugged and tossed her hair to the side while glancing back behind her. "I'd hate to cause her any more trouble with her girlfriend then I already have."

"So why do you keep doing it?" I raised an eyebrow and tentatively took a sip from the coke that was given to me.

"I've stayed away from her like she's asked me too." Normani frowned, looking offended. I was unaware of that fact, thank you.

"Oh," I shrugged and played with my straw, "I didn't know."

"Norm, can we get out of here?" Another voice said from the other side of the booth; an unfamiliar husky voice that caused me to whip around and see a rather tall dark brunette standing next to my seat. My eyes raked up her body to find she was wearing a skirt with a black sweater, her legs were long, her skin a darker tone only it looked natural, not tanned.

Oh God, I was checking out a complete stranger.

"Sure Isa," Normani nodded and slipped out of the booth, "this is Sofi, Sofi, this is my best friend, Isa."

Isa's dark brown eyes scanned over me and a little smirk tugged at her lips. "Hey," she purred and then raised an eyebrow at Normani, "so let's go."

"See ya around Sofi," Normani said with a smile.

"You wanna check out with us?" Isa grabbed my coat and held it up.

I looked back at the others who were engrossed in their games and then back at the tall brunette.


"I should really stay here with them." I nodded towards the gang.

Isa sighed and shrugged, dropping my coat back in the seat. "Too bad, we were heading to Huckles. Could've shown you a good time." She smiled and wrapped an arm around Normani's shoulders. "Maybe next time."

"Sofi, what the hell man?" Lauren raised an eyebrow and leaned over the table with the palms of her hands on top of the surface, her eyes fixed on Normani and the hot brunette.

"Chill," Normani shook her head, "we were just leaving."

"Lauren," I sighed and slid out of the booth, "she was just talking to me."

"Yea, she likes to talk a lot." Lauren narrowed her eyes and bit her bottom lip. "What's wrong, Kordei, you can't have one Cabello so you go after the other?"

"Fuck you, Lauren." Normani shrugged Isa's arm off her shoulder and moved closer to the brunette. "I was being friendly, there's nothing wrong with that."

I held Lauren back as her foot stepped forward, meeting Normani in the middle. "Friendly is your middle name, isn't it?"

"You're the one to talk." Normani hissed and licked her lips, laughing slightly. "Just buzz off Jauregui, I wasn't bugging you."

"Good, leave then." Lauren crossed her arms around her chest and stared the girl down.

"Come on, Norm," Isa pulled her friend back and looked at me, "if she belongs to you, I suggest you tell her to back off. Normani gets pretty feisty."

"Laur," I whispered and tugged her back a little more, "just leave it be. She wasn't hurting anyone."

Lauren glared at me for a moment and then bit her lip. "Please tell me she hasn't weaseled her grubby little ways into your heart as well." She wasn't even kidding.

Lauren tolerated the brunette because of Camila. She made sure she kept her comments to herself about how jealous she was over Normani's fast budding friendship with my sister, but I think it'd hurt her a little if I became a friend as well.

"Thanks for being polite to me, Sofi," Normani backed up and looked over Lauren's shoulder to see Camila toss her head back and laugh, "you're so lucky you got there first, chica."

"Seriously, did you want to come with us?" Isa asked me one more time and I could feel Lauren's eyes burning into me. The girl chuckled huskily and just shook her head.

I watched as Normani and Isa left, chatting and laughing. I slowly turned to find myself in front of Lauren, her pissed off look. "What?"

"Nothing," she breathed and then sighed, all her anger dissolving, "she just gets under my skin and I know how much she likes Camila, I just would hate it if you made friends with her and have her around more."

"Lauren," I smiled, "you know I can be friends with whoever I want but I barely know the girl. Cleary she was only talking to me to get closer to Camila."

"Yea," she looked over at Camila, who was busy kicking Austin's ass, "that's what I'm afraid of."

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