Like, Oh My God!

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Lauren's PoV

Monday morning had arrived and I was tired. I hadn't slept very well the night before because I hadn't heard from Camila.

I forced my feet to move down the hallway at school and towards my locker where I found Camila leaning against it with her hand held behind her back and a dazzling smile crossing her beautiful features. "Morning grumpy," she pouted and I couldn't help but smile and stop right in front of her.

"I missed you last night," I whispered as she backed away so I could open my locker.

"Yea," she sighed heavily, "things got really intense at home. Mom found Sofi and Sammy kissing, then I told her about us and then the rest just kind of spilled out. Sofi and I spent our Sunday night waiting on her because she fainted and we felt bad."

My eyes widened. "Your mom fainted?" Camila nodded and bit her lip. "Is she okay?"

"A lot okay," she grinned, "close your eyes," she whispered and I looked at her confused. Sometimes Camila could be all over the place. "Just close your eyes, please?" She whispered, pouting.

"Okay okay," I smiled softly and closed my eyes. When she told me to open them she was waving a small stuffed bear dressed in hockey gear. "Camz," I giggled and took it from her hands. They were City Rebel colours and on the back of the jersey, it was embroidered with 'Jauregui'. "Baby!" I grinned even wider and hugged it close to me. "When?"

Camila blushed and shrugged like the gift was nothing important. "I was going save it for Valentine's Day but I wanted you to give you something to smile about. I got it custom made a few weeks ago," she blushed, her lips curling into an adorable smile.

I traced the letters of my name and looked at her in awe. "I love it baby," I whispered and kissed the bear, not caring who saw me, "thank you so much."

"Aww, dyke and dykier!" I heard someone say as they walked past us. I clenched my jaw but Camila shook her head.

"Ignore it." She said as she helped me grab my books.

"Well I'm used to it Camila, you're not." I pouted but she just giggled.

"And? You really don't think I can't handle myself?" She raised a cute eyebrow and I couldn't help but chuckle. "That's what I thought."

"No Cabello, I'm fully aware of how much ass you can kick," I said rather seriously and looped my arm through hers as we walked towards homeroom, "doesn't mean I still can't look out for you."

"You're so sweet," she leaned in and whispered in my ear.

Classes started and I could already hear the whisperings begin. I glanced back at Camila and Kyla, who were passing notes to each other and then turned my attention back to the board.

"Everyone's talking," Kyla sighed heavily as she flopped herself down in the cafeteria, "they all know."

"Ky," I rubbed her back and looked at Camila, "remember, we're here for you."

"My parents are going to know about this the moment I get home. I know it and I'm not prepared for any of this!" She sobbed quietly.

"Hey now," Camila rushed to her other side and gave me a soft look, "Lauren and I will drop you off after school. We'll wait for a bit and if you want to escape, escape with us. We'll head to the hut for a few hours before I head to practice."

"Sounds good to me!" I smiled and nudged Kyla lightly, causing her to laugh lightly.

"You two are the best." Kyla wiped her eyes.

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