Here We Go Again

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Camila's PoV

Somewhere down the road, the life that I craved to have, quickly crumbled beneath my feet. When you're seventeen, people say you're too young to know what loss and love feels like.

I'd like to disagree. I found out all too well what both feel like and how it affected me.

- - - -

"Back away from the baby and you will not get hurt!" Austin walked up slowly to Lauren and I, as Anton snuggled between us on the bed.

"Quiet Daddy douche, he's sleeping." I smiled down at the cute frown creasing in the middle of Anton's little forehead.

"If you call me that in front of him when he's old enough to understand, I swear Mila," Austin glared at me.

"Calm down," Lauren whispered and watched the gentle rising of Anton's chest while he breathed, "don't you wish life was this peaceful?" Her green eyes looked up at me and I smiled sadly, nodding my head. "No cares in the world, just... be."

"He's got an easy life now," Austin cooed as he sat on the edge of the bed, laying his head on my calf, "let's just hope it's just as easy when he's our age."

Anton Spencer Dennison was a week old and he was taking up everyone's time and attention. So much so that Lauren and I never really got to sit down and talk about everything else that involved 'us'. With exams finally coming to an end, we had more time to breathe but still felt trepidation around each other.

"Mila," Kyla tiptoed into the room and tilted my head back so that I was looking up at her, "Your mom just called, she needs you home right away."

"What?" I whined quietly and pouted. "I'm comfortable."

"She just needs you for a little bit and then you can come back." Kyla laughed.

Kyla had officially moved out of the Cabello home and into the Mahone's. She shared a room with Aiden and Anton, who had a little crib set up where the work out bench used to be.

"Want me to come with?" Lauren moved up off the bed carefully and I nodded. "Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure," I smiled and pulled her too me, "I always want you with me."

Lauren smiled but it wasn't her normal thousand watt smile. It was sad and confused.

"Call later if you need anything!" I gave Kyla a hug and kissed my little nephew on the forehead.

We made our way through the Mahone household and drove quietly back to my place. I glanced at Lauren more than I normally do, and believe me, that was a lot. She had a perplexed look on her face and I moved my hand to gently place it on her denim clad knee. "Everything okay?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Yea," She said softly, nodding her head, "just thinking."

"About?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the road as best as I could. Sometimes Lauren's voice could be deceiving so I would normally get her honesty through her eyes and body language. It was always hard to do while I kept my eyes on the road.

Lauren sighed heavily and I glanced at her while she shook her head. "Can we not do this now, Camz?"

I frowned and bit my lip. "Do what?"

"Analyze my thoughts." She said sharply and I nodded slowly.

"Ooh kay." I let go of her knee and placed it back on the gear shift, no longer wanting to talk.

"I'm sorry," Lauren murmured and placed her hand on top of mine, "I'm just having a hard time trying to figure out what's going to happen." Her confession was something I wasn't expecting.

Think Again (Camren)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora