1~ Intro

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Hey I'm Kaylee Aaron... Kay Kay for short........ Does that even make any sense? Cause i've been informed by my honourable bullies in school that nothing i say makes sense...... Its called nerd syndrome.... Is that name even proper? Yeah and i need an antidote...... ASAP...... Hey have you guys heard Travis Scott- Antidote? The song's dope...... Right? Add to that I also have a crush on him... Regardless of the fact i dunno what he looks like.... I know... I know... How can I crush on someone when I don't even know what he looks like, right?

Well.... Nerd syndrome #2. You know, I probably should write a book... Nerd syndromes.... The experience of Kay Kay........ That was boring I know... I mean... Kay Kay? .... Spare me the horror...... But I have probably been called worse at school.... Nerd queen.... Queen geek..... Ooohhhhh... I'm so honoured.... Queen? Please...... Or The Adventures of Nerd Kay?...... Where was I? Yes..... Travis Scott.... I think I fell in love with his voice... Hehehe ... Although.... I couldn't really get the lyrics.... So.. I flipped through Google play store.... Wait.... It's an app.... Can one actually flip through it? Ugghh... Face palm...... Anyways, I found this totally amazing app that displays the lyrics of a song while listening to it..... I went....... Whhhhhaaaatttt!!! Awesome right? Yeah. I know..... No need to Google lyrics again... The world is finally smiling at me....

Hold up... What's that? Ooohhh. Kaylee... You are so last century... That apps been out since like forever... Geek.... Get lost.... Hahaha.... That voice obviously belongs to Lexi Roberts... Official Queen Bee of my school... Pfftt... I actually have her voice in my head? And I thought being forced to listen to Classical music was the worst that could happen to one.... Psshhh... As much as I love music.... I. Never. Will. Listen. To. That. TOTALLY.. Boring stuff.... I remember when we had to do a group project on Beethoven.... Jeeezzz... That was the first time I had a B in music..... It was..... I shudder at the mere thought...... I mean.. I'm more of a punk, pop, rock, rap kinda person... You know the type...... Having a group project on sayyy ummm... Yh... Travis Scott would've been more insightful... I might have even been able to lay hands on his personal phone number... You know... The one only he answers.... Hopefully... Without having to pass through a string of underlings..... That can be so exasperating.....

Did I tell you guys about the time Chris Brown accidentally dented my car bummer.... He was like.... Oh my fucking lawd... Am so fucking sorry.. Hell no.... I'll pay for any damage... And can I please have your number.... I'm falling in love with you already... In fact.. Be my wife... And then I said... Oh no my lovely Chris... I can't marry the hottest singer I know.... The one who's pictures colonised my phone a long time ago.... Oh no... Cause.... Cause... Wait.... I told y'all this all happened in a dream right? Haha... As if.......

Chill..... This is supposed to be an intro right? .. I almost forgot bout my inabilty to Just. Keep. Shut... I hear that all the time... At school.... Of course.... My family's nicer... Face palm... Of course they are.... They are your family, duhhh? Wait . I veered off again.... Wait... Veered off? Is this a car?

Yeah... If you can kindly skip all the stuff in between... I believe I was trying to introduce myself...... Let's do this ... You can do it Kaylee.....

Hey there..! I'm Kaylee Aaron..... Born to Mr and Mrs Aaron.... Wait... That's quite obvious right? I mean.... My last name's Aaron... Obviously my parents name would be Aaron.... Face palm.... Veering off... Again.. Stay focused already..... So I'm thinking.... Hahaha... If this was supposed to be a curriculum vitae......

Okay... My hands are beginning to ache already...... Let's get this done with....

My dads American... Mum... Spanish... So I'm probably...... Spanish American..... ? ???? Whatever.. Who cares?
Spain sounds so interesting... New York's just.... Well.... just New York.... Considering the fact that I have no friends.... My neighbours don't even know I exist... Well actually... They do... But.... Well.... Like I met one at the store ... Me.. Trying to be a good neighbour.... May I help you carry your groceries ma'am? ( I didn't even know her name) The old witch just stared at me like I had this big pimple on my forehead... And there was this toad about to burst out and leap on to her designer clothes( Victoria's secret to be precise)... Or like I had this contagious disease... Hyperlympaemia... That would make her smell like rotten fish....haha.... Long story short... I walked away....


This is my story..


Rephrase that...

This is The Story....

Not all that Cinderelly Prince charming sweeps her off her feet thingy.. Come to think of it.. Who knows Prince Charming's real name? Cause his name obviously isn't Prince charming , right? That means his parents will be Mr. and Mrs... No... Face palm.... He's a prince.. You know.. With a crown and all... So.. That should be.... King and Queen Charming? Nahhhh....Hey... Who knows why queen has double 'e' and not double u? I mean... English is sooo confusing at times... Add to that the fact that my English teacher Mr. Livermore speaks through his nose... Its aaarrrgghhh...

Two words Kaylee....
Veered... Off...

Long intro short... This is a story on how I swept myself off my feet... Not like lazy Cindy... Waiting for Princy...

Music... Changed me... And let my voice be heard.....

It's my story.....


Hahaha... Enjoy? Seriously? That's the best you could come up with? Pfftt.... Lexi? Again? OK... I'm gonna have to get this girl's voice out of my head... Its enough torture dealing with it on a daily... No... Rephrase that....... On an hourly basis.
You know. This high pitched voice. Like Maleficent,  In Maleficent. Or in Sleeping Beauty. Pfft. Sucks.

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