4~ Brownies

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"Dad!" "Mum" " Anyone home?" ... There had to be..... That distinct smell of brownies baking away in the oven told me my mum was home, the crunching sounds told me dad was home..... Making my way over to the kitchen to grab some before they got finished.... You can't blame me.... My dad's quite the brownie fan..... Pausing, i heard voices and laughter.....

I had just bypassed Mr. Escuela "Mr Patrick" on my way from school , taking care to avoid him as I seriously wasn't in the mood for another Spanish dialogue, thank you..... So who could it be then? Tiptoeing, I tried to recall and put to practice finally all my Sherlock Holmes detective skills...... It wasn't necessary though... Oh well. It wasn't everyday I got to play detective....

Taking them by surprise, I jumped , more like rolled into the kitchen and yelled "Hands up! All of you now" Then my Mum yelled " Please don't shoot, you can have everything.... Everything!! She was actually referring to the brownies..... ". Drop it!!" I hissed at my dad, referring to the brownie..... Which at that time was halfway to his mouth.... Well it never got there.. Poor brownie..... The look on my parents face was priceless, to think that I had actually scared them that much.. My mum was still on her knees... My dad laughed and said " Honey, its only Kay". My mum , still wanting to keep the charade up.... Remained on her knees and stretched out the massive bowl of brownies to me .. At this , I just burst out laughing.... And then I saw him. .

Guess. Come on.. Go ahead take a stab at it..... Who is super cute with dark hair and blonde highlights? Really? Do I have to spell it out ? I mean, you guys are smatter than Sally , right? Oops, forget I said that.... I don't have a death wish, thank you.....

Staring at him, knowing fully well my jaw had just dropped really low and that it might never close..... I just went on staring...

"Brownie, want some? " Adrian said, giving me one of those his absolutely charming smiles.....

"What are you doing here?" I managed.... Jaw still open....

"Oh, he dropped by to say hello, he's such a Darling anyway" my mum cooed over him.....

"Yes, Kay.... Is he your boyfriend?" Dad asked, saying the word like.... Like he was getting a brownie or something..... Which as you are probably guessing right now, he was.....

"No... " I yelled.... No need to ask... I was already red, like lava red.....

I mentally face palmed myself......
My parents....

"No, we're just friends ..." Adrian replied more calmly than I did....

Trust my mum to say this.....

"That's what they always say"

"OK we're leaving"... My dad said dragging my mum out of the kitchen with him.... as I shot them that " you-guys- had- better- leave right- now-or- else..... " look....

" Hey , these brownies are nice, you sure you don't want some?"

I had totally forgotten where I was.... In my kitchen, with my biggest crush... Alone... Once again, I had to remind myself to just breathe... Besides, what did he mean by friends? I don't ever talk to anyone at school anyway.... Well, apart from the Cook who is Spanish and sees me as a second daughter.... Please. . There are perks though, you know... Extra extra servings, when everyone else got just extra servings.... And stuff like that.... Who else? Yeah, all my teachers love me... I'm a straight A student, why wouldn't they? Oh well....

".... So what do you say? "

I realised Adrian had been talking to me... And I didn't hear a word.... It was hard to focus while thinking about extra extra servings you get in your potatoes, while every.. Wait... I said all this before.... Pfftt...

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