2~ La la Land

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"Kaylee!!!" "I heard mum yell "

"Un momentó"

That's supposed to be Spanish for one moment ,right? I mean.. Un.. One... Momentó... Moment.... Haha.... I've been trying to learn the language all summer... I have this totally stuck up neighbour.... Who of all the places on this earth that he could have originated from, it just had to be Spain.... Added to that... He and my mum are pretty good friends... You hear them speaking it like ' yala this... yala that ". Seriously that's the only word I could grab from their countless animated conversations... You should see them.. Sponge bob and Patrick... Human version....

Anyway, Mr. Patrick here doesn't seem to understand why his favourite spongebob junior doesn't understand a word of Spanish... I mean... That's a totally unfair assessment right? I can actually string some words together.... Anyway... Mr. Patrick tries his best to make me learn whenever he's invited over , by speaking only in Spanish to me.... Haha... Only I can't even concentrate because I'm too busy listening to music in my head... Seriously... I have this mp3 player in one section of my brain, so the music just keeps on rolling... Hey.. Can you tell I'm listening to Adele - Rolling in the Deep? I love Adele, although I hate slow music.... There are perks though, you know, I get to be my own DJ, DJ's these days can be quite annoying.. While you are grinding with this totally hot dude and he's leaning in, about to kiss you, they just happen to pop out from no where and just change the song... Pffft.. And by then of course, the momentó is already gone....

"Kaylee. Get down here.. Or you are going to miss the bus and be late.... "

OMG! I had totally forgotten why I was even up at that time... Normally by 7am, I'm still snoring away in La La land.... There is a movie like that right? Emma Stone starred there I think.... Anyway... First day of school.. Well, not actually first like, first first, like Kindergarten... First like, first day of my last year in school... I finally get to be a senior this year yaayyy.. Yeah.. Like that even changes anything....... I'll just try my best to keep shut and survive this last year...

As far back as sophomore... No... Rephrase that...... Freshman year in school...... I've been the target of bullies.... Well not actual physical abuse, they wouldn't dare..... I've got this smoking hot boyfriend, who's the school's top jock , brawn, football captain... You know.. All that stuff..... With umm. Complete abs and all... I mean six friggin packs.... Even The Rock would cower at the sight of him...... His name..... His.... Name...... Is..... Wait.... You guys know I was just telling fibs right? Hahaha...... In my school, the closest I can get to that kinda hottie is probably being forced to do his homework for him...... By having the sheer bad luck of sitting next to him in Chemistry class.....

I remember last year when we had a pop quiz in chemistry class.... Of course... Who was my partner.... You can guess... You'd probably be right anyways.... I got dumped next to this brawny big for nothing but totally hot sex Greek god..... . Shii... That nigga has nothing.... Rodney Wayne......

 Rodney Wayne

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Wait... I don't mean nothing.... Like nothing.... He does have something in that area... You know... The mid section that doesn't see the sun.... His mmmm.. *coughs* I've heard girls talk about it for like centuries now..... Girls... Desperados....( Spanish again!!! Finally learning) yh... Those girls that get invited to his parties... Parties that I don't ever get invited to.. Cause I'm a total... Weirdo... Nerd.. Geek... Freak.. They all mean the same thing anyway..... Yeah, so in the girls locker room , all you can hear is...

 Yeah, so in the girls locker room , all you can hear is

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Lexi " Omggg... Did you see his ****.. I mean he whipped it out, all the way to the ground.... And did this flipping whipping thing with it"

Me. Muttering under my breath* I mean.... He's insane... What kinda person does that?*

Sally. " yes.. It was so cool" I've got a video of it here.... "

They huddle over together.. Watching.... Well... You know.....

Sally. " yeah, Lexi... Why did you leave me all alone at the party? Where were you?"

Me.. "Rolling my eyes"

Lexi.. " silly Sally..... Of course I was with him"

Sally. " with????"

Me. "_face palm..... That girl can be so dumb at times... Well... Both of them actually.... Pfftt....

Lexi.. " with Rodney Wayne of course... "

Sally. " ooohhhh.... Did you get to touch his *giggles* rod? "

Me. " face palm". Funny.. Very.... Haha......

They both laugh hysterically.. Like the witches they both are.. Pfftt....

I tell you, that Rodney guy is weird.... And I'm supposed to be the weird one? Pfftt. Please.......

Anyway like I was saying, I ended up having to do the entire quiz all by myself... Cause he has nothing upstairs... Well apart from a few dumb jokes, that everyone seems to laugh at, even though they are always **yawns**.. Yh, just talking about him is making me sleepy.....

I'm just hoping I can survive this year....

And do something really cool before leaving... You know, like make friends, become popular and all that stuff....

Pfftt... Bus's here....

Torture begins.....

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