3~ Volcano

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I felt someone hit my back like poww..
"Hey!!! What was that for?"

Turning to see who it was, I felt someone shove me again ......

And then I knew.....

I reached behind me and of course.... Someone had stuck a "please hit me" note on my back.... When that had happened, I had no idea.....

Shrugging, I squeezed it and threw it into the waste bin, while trying to ignore the snickers of the few kids who had seen what happened ...... I was used to it anyway..... People hated me for no just reason..... Okay... Yes... I'm nerdy..... I'm weird. .. Add to that. I always have my headphones on... My fav colour is black.... Yes. I never socialize cause I'm the very shy type... All these are probably the reasons why no one ever bordered to talk to me... Well except if its to say something nasty....

I hurried on to class... I had English that morning.... Uhhh.. I hated the subject.. What a way to start the day....

"Well well well.... Look who we've got here.... " said Lexi.... Pfftt... I had barely gotten to my seat before she came to my desk......

"What do you want, Lexi?" I asked....

" I thought you died weirdo" she said.... "After seeing you chase after the bus like that... It must have been really hard staying alive, right???"

Okay... I know you're probably wondering what she meant...... Earlier that morning, just as I finished my bowl of cornflakes and kissed my mum bye, I heard the bus leaving. Running after it, I yelled for them to stop.... Of course, no one even noticed me... Which meant I had to run after it, while yelling at the top of my lungs and waving my arms like an escaped lunatic...... Well, I guess I pretty much looked that way to people on the street..... Bless their souls for not calling 911..... Anyway, it wasn't until after running for five minutes straight that the bus driver noticed me and stopped.....

Ladies and Gentlemen.....
My life......

I had a good mind to duff her up good and proper... I mean, her beauty gets into her empty head at times... But just then, the teacher entered.... Nice timing... I thought... When I had finally made up my mind to grace her face with a slap....

"To your seat Ms. Roberts...".

" Today's class will be on grammatical names and structures " ..

Great.... Another hour of boredom.... Looking around, everyone had zoned out, which was not surprising anyway.... Mr. Livermore was the most boring teacher in Brentwood High...


Shoot! Just when I zoned out, he was going to ask me a question... Why me? Why always me? Yes, as the official nerd, teachers counted on me to always have answers to their questions... Well. I sort of always had answers, but today..... I don't know why , but these days, I found myself tuning out of nerd zone.... Maybe because of my secret desire to be popular..... There are two ways to it from my point of view...

Either I become a cheerleader.... Which is totally out of it... I don't want to die thank you... Lexi would kill me in one snap of her perfectly manicured pink fingers.... Or I date one of the guys on the football team.... Agreed, the lot of them are brainless, but girl, their abs have you reconsidering...... Again, this can't happen because I don't even talk to any one of them..... I mean just being close to Rodney in chemistry class, I shiver and stutter... If you are an adolescent female, you will understand exactly what I mean........ I'd just have to find some other solution to my unpopularity... Or rather, my nerd syndromes..... Pfftt.......

"Please come up here and explain to the class the difference between a clause and a phrase...."

Did I seriously have to go right up to the board? All the way there, past the countless faces.... My shy self beginning to surface.... It was quite obvious, my hands were beginning to shake, teeth stuttering, beads of sweat forming rapidly on my forehead..... Everything spinning..... Okay... I'm exaggerating... It wasn't that bad, but I was shaking alright.....

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