5~ Red

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" Hey!"

I looked up to see some random red haired girl standing at my front, blocking my nearly perfect view of snotty nosed Ian picking snot from the slimy green depths of his nostrils.... I know right? Why would I enjoy staring at snot.... Well I had nothing else to do anyway.....

" Hi" I said, with the most enthusiasm I could muster.... I was missing a good library time for this....

" You are new here. " red said.... Referring to detention class. Well, obviously I'm a nerd, technically not the detention type.....

" Obviously " I responded..... I plopped my headphones on my head , and began humming to Heart lines by Florence and The Machine.. I totally love ' em.......

I know... You are wondering.... What the heck is a nerd doing in friggin detention?

You know some people that just like to hear themselves talk? Yeah, Lexi Roberts is one of them... She's the reason I'm sitting here in detention, bored to death, with a certain red head bothering me.....

I've been known to have very little patience for annoying people, especially talk actives.. Only my parents know this about me... Its the reason I can't stand Mr. Escuela..a.k.a Patrick... So when, Lexi walked up to me that morning as I was hurrying to fill up my bottomless pit type of stomach, I knew it wasn't going to end well....

I was walking into the the cafeteria after a particularly grueling hour of geography.... The sweet scent of macaroni and cheese reached me , awakening my inactive tastebuds.... I lumbered forward like the starving zombie I was at that moment.. When she stepped in front of me... As if on cue, my stomach growled at her...

Talking in her high pitched Maleficent voice as usual, only today it was even more annoying, owing to the fact that I was madly hungry...

" Look who we have here" she began...

I simply put my hand on my non existent hip, silently waiting for her to continue.... At this, she turned beet red....

"Stay away from Adrian, you hear me? He's all mine" she growled..

Rolling my eyes, I sighed.... So this is what it was all about... How she got to know about my date with him, I had no idea.... It seemed like the gossip mills of Brentwood High was working overtime....

"Really, Lexi, I thought you had something far better to say?"

At this, I heard a gasp. I turned around to see the whole school watching... Seriously, did these imbeciles have nothing better to do... Strangely enough, Adrian was nowhere to be found... I hadn't seen him since the date night last weekend... One night stand came ringing into my head... Trying to shake it out of my head, I thought. It wasn't like we had kissed, or God forbid had sex , the mere thought made me shudder , although come to think of it, going all the way with someone as sexy as Adrian was just... Oh well....

"I don't even know what he sees in someone like you anyway"

It was just one date..!! I want to shout, pulling my hair out.... I didn't though....

I was brought rudely back to earth by what she said next....

"Such a lowlife" she muttered, turning away from me...

That was it... The side of me the school and even I didn't know existed surfaced... I grabbed a chocolate milkshake from the nearest person, who turned out to be a red haired girl .... I moved quickly towards Lexi, opening up the cover , I poured the contents onto her crisp white crop top, making sure to drain it... A cherry sure would look good on it. Looking around for one, a piercing scream reached my ears... I dropped the idea of the cherry and looked around frantically instead for a way of escape as Lexi made her way towards me, with Sally sneering at me....

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