Part 1

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edited - 3/22/2019

Shina's P.O.V

I woke up to the rays of sunlight peeking through my window. Of course, i woke up because of it. I went straight to my bathroom and did my morning routine.

Singing to some ballad songs, i went straight out my bedroom just to be met with the smell of freshly cooked bacon and eggs. I just remembered that my Aunt was here and pretty much, i missed how she cooks breakfast, lunch and dinner.

"Auntie? Aunt Wilna?" After i said it, her head looked back at me and smiled.

"Hey, sweetie~ Sorry that i didn't visit... For the past 4 months..."

"Oh, no. It's okay, auntie... No worries. So... How is my cousins in abroad?" And she showed a playfully annoyed look.

"Don't get me started with Hye-Sun. She's so irritating but yet, she's my daughter."

I snorted out a loud laugh and she laughed with me while we ate breakfast.

"Oh! Auntie? Have you seen Uncle-Pd?"

"You didn't see him earlier? He came to your room to convince you on your audition but you were still asleep so he went to SM already."

I groaned and got up, "See ya' later on dinner, Auntie."

I rushed outside the house and took my skateboard and headphones which was by the drawers near the door.

I rode the skateboard to SM and hummed a lullaby my Mom used to sing to me.

Just when i arrived, i ran inside the building and directly went to the receptionist.

"Ummm... Is the Pd-nim here?"

While still not looking at me, she nodded and tapped on the keyboard, making an annoying sound.

"Please come back tomorrow because his schedule is fully-booked. Please just give me your name and I'll tell it to Pd-nim."

"Park," and i paused while she typed in while making the annouing sound. "Park Shina."

Just when i said my name, she turned to me and stood up while bowing multiple times with a direct 90° bow.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Park. He's on the 3rd floor. His office. Again, I'm sorry, Miss."

"No pressure. I get that a lot." Then finished it with a wink while going to the elevator and straight to Pd-nim's office.

Time Skip~

"Are you sure about that, Sweet Pea?"

"Oh, come on, Uncle. You're in the place of a second thought now? I told you, 'I'm going to audition for the next month.' Don't you want that?"

"Fine. Practice hard, okay? SM is looking for a new group with mixed nationalities and you're quarters, right?"

It made me think for a little bit... Yes, I am quarters in nationalities.

Time Skip~

After TONS of questions, it was already 6:38 p.m. and Shina was getting tired.

"Yep. Ugh, it's getting late and i've got homework to do. Bye!"


"Finally!" I released a breath, soon smiling at my other members as we arrived at the meeting place.

EXO and Seventeen invited us to eat, so we could chat and talk about the things we missed out from our lives. It was generous of them, as they insisted that they should pay.

"Come on, Shina," Jae unnie muttered and chuckled, placing an arm over mine and Catie's shoulder. Minnie soon followed with the others, laughing at Catie's funny act of jumping over Jane's back.

"But are you sure we can practice with full stomachs?" I asked, frowning at Jae as I rather felt dizzy for quite awhile.

We just were near the van when I fell to my knees, gasping gallons of air.

"Oh my Gosh!" Jane soon followed, kneeling beside me as she patted my bag, her orders of taking my inhaler became incoherent and inaudible as i can only hear small shouts of shock and horror.

"Please be okay..."

The Life as a Idol •K-Pop FANFIC• ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя