Episode 15 - Mr. Pear👽

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"Acting is the least mysterious of all crafts. Whenever we want something from somebody or when we want to hide something or pretend, we're acting. Most people do it all day long."

-Marlon Brandon


Max felt confused because Kate had pushed him away.

He hadn't meant to intrude her private space nor had touched her deliberately. He had only saved her from what would have been a bad fall.

He had taken a minute to process what had happened. Looking at Elena who appeared just as blank, he finally sprinted out of their room.

He hoped to find Kate, and say sorry if in any case, she had felt bad about him touching her.

To Max, friendship was something that drove him out of his loneliness. What home was to a nomad, friendship was to him.

All his life people surrounded him like how the atmosphere blankets the Earth. He knew what they wanted-- money, reputation, and favors.

Leaving all those louses behind, he had come to stay at Aurora, Colorado. He surely missed his family back in Ohio, but he needed this change. The change to live alone, to be away from riches. Away from those snobs, he was thankful he wasn't a part of.

Knowing the difference between the motives of people at a fairly young age, he chose to be Ivan's friend. Now he met the twins, who he felt were pure of heart, minus the "snarkiness".

He rushed outside, his green eyes searching for Kate amidst the quiet locality. He saw a vague form of brown curls swishing with the air, and he sprinted towards it.

The way, being the path to the public park, which both he and Kate loved.

Within a few large strides, he reached the park and noticed Kate standing under a brick dome.

The swaying leaves, the beautiful scent of flowers, the different colors, directly contrasted with Kate's dark form.

Waves of anger, sadness, and hate resonated in the air around her. Her black full-length pajamas did nothing to reduce them.

Max smiled, hoping it would be enough to clash with those unhappy vibes and nullify them. He never liked dark emotions, and always strived to stay away from them.

Or kill them with his brightness, his smile, and cheery attitude.

He sauntered towards Kate, pausing to step a little away from her. She noticed his presence and lifted her brown head slowly.

"Kate, I'm sorry for touching you, I--"

"It's okay, it's just..."

"Care to share?" he asked, carefully taking a side step so that now they were opposite to each other. The smile was intact on his face.

"It's nothing," she finalized with a faraway look. Her fingers locked in the mass of her curly ponytail combed it every now and then.

"There's always a little something in nothing," he commented, noticing that she was uncomfortable.

This was confirmed when she decided to be quiet. Not knowing what to say, she just looked around her and sat down.

Upon hearing Max's chuckle, her eyes shot up from the assignment she had started writing.

"You really don't care about clothes, right?"

Max chuckled and sat down cross-legged beside her.

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