Episode 26 - Seemingly Alienated👽

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"Even with whatever people want to label me with, there are so many other sides to me."

-Wiz Khalifa


Elena smirked slightly, her face almost ready to break into her regular mischievous smile. Her job was done and now it was time to wait.

That is, wait for the target to arrive.

Upon seeing Ivan entering the auditorium, Elena quickly dropped her smile and her face turned serious.

She noticed Ivan moving towards the gum-boots that had come with Prince Philip's costume. She smiled slightly as she stroked her chin with her long, index finger.

Ivan placed his feet into the boots and tried to move forward, but couldn't. Elena, satisfied with this, turned towards the students and winked at them.

"No, aliens don't exist," one of them began.

"They do, I heard that they are present in the Bermuda Triangle."

"Nonsense, why would they be under water?"

"Hey, Susy, don't say that! Where do those ships and planes disappear to?"

"Shut up, Kyle, there might be another reason."

"Aliens don't exist, there is no extraterrestrial life," Jamie finished as he nodded at Elena.

"They do," Kate defended. "If Earth has humans, there might be life on other planets too."

The students had started debating upon the existence of aliens on Elena's insistence. Soon, the fake debate turned into a real one.

Elena glanced back to see Ivan massaging the side of his head with his fingers. He struggled to move with the boots and she scoffed at this.

She tried to stifle a giggle as Ivan could have his feet easily removed from the gum-boots instead of struggling to move in them.

She sighed as some of his childhood dumbness was present... even now.

She turned fully to face Ivan who finally walked barefoot towards the students.

He clapped his hands and raised his palm in the air. At once, all the debating ceased and there was pin-drop silence.

"If you all enact your lines assigned for today well, I'll throw a party," Ivan said in a single breath. He glanced at each of them gawking at him unanimously.

"My offer still stands," he said and tapped his finger against his watch.

Immediately, everyone grabbed their own scripts and began practicing, leaving Ivan and Elena alone.

"Do you believe in aliens?" Elena asked him, her eyes glancing seriously at his surprised ones.

She noticed Ivan's face break into a small smile as he answered, "Yes, there's one right in front of me."

She didn't smile back and continued drily, "You know what? It's you who looks seemingly alienated."

Her lower lip curled downwards and she tried hard to prevent sobbing in front of him.

The fact that her childhood best friend didn't recognize her and Kate, made her disheartened.

She turned her face, ready to move away from him, but found herself being pulled into his chest.

This came as a surprise as Ivan had never smiled at her warmly, so a hug from him felt too good to be true.

She found his arms wrapped around her waist, his head rested on her left shoulder, his hold getting tighter every second.

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