Episode 18 - Puzzling Details👽

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"A safe but sometimes chilly way of recalling the past is to force open a crammed drawer. If you are searching for anything, in particular, you don't find it, but something falls out at the back that is often more interesting."

- James M. Barrie


A week had passed. But, the twins couldn't get an opportunity to get their "revenge".

Ivan and Max had been sending wary glances towards the twins almost every day, probably waiting for their next move. But, there wasn't any.

The week had been mostly filled with loads of school work, tests, and concentration. Apart from the regular studying part, Sarah had grown close to the twins, well one of the twins.

Elena and Sarah had almost become inseparable. Turned out the latter had a good knowledge of fashion trends and clothes, which had surprised the elder twin. They had bonded well in the Textiles class and Kate felt a bit left out due to this.

Well, a bit would be an understatement. Guess both the twins had a jealous streak in their nature.

"El, don't spend so much time with Sarah," Kate said, a bit hesitantly.

"What? Why?" Elena asked, looking up from the collection settled on her lap. A mini leather jacket piece had been added to it recently, and she had squealed about it the whole day.

"I don't know... something about her seems off."

"Don't be ridiculous, you got to stop thinking negatively about everyone."

"All that girl yaps about is 'I don't like that girl, she did this, she did that.'"

"So what? We all have our faults," Elena replied. "For instance, you can't even switch on the gas."

"That's not a bad quality!" Kate scoffed, raising her palms in the air. "Anyway, what's that got to do with the main topic?"

"The main topic, for now, is checking our supplies," Elena commented and scooted closer to her younger twin.

"Neon paint?"






"Full black clothes?"


"Inspect victim's room?"

"Nah, not checked," the twins said simultaneously and shook their heads, their faces adorned with grins.

"Let's go then," Kate called out as she reached the door.

"No! Wait," Elena replied, her disembodied voice reaching her twin. "Excuse ready."

She strolled towards the door and showed Kate her Astronomy textbook, the latter nodded with a thumbs up.


The door of Ivan's house opened to reveal Cloe, Ivan's mom. She looked at the twins standing there questioningly.

"Hey, Co! Remember us?" Elena greeted with a wide grin.

"Excuse me?" Cloe asked with a frown.

"We used to call you Co," Kate replied with a smile. "We couldn't grab your name when we were kids."

"I don't recognize you," Cloe replied curtly, her voice almost bitter.

"We're the Russo twins, we are your neighbors."

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